Power producers welcome provincial government direction on Burrard Thermal
"The decision to use Burrard Thermal only for emergency back-up capacity is good public policy and welcome news," said Harvie Campbell, Chair of the Independent Power Producers Association of BC.
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"Reducing our reliance on Burrard will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality in the Lower Mainland and grow BC's economy through the development of new renewable energy sources," said Campbell.
The Province's direction on Burrard Thermal also enables BC Hydro to advance its acquisition of up to 5,000 GWh of clean, cost effective power from the Clean Call and up to 1,000 GWh from the Phase 2 Bioenergy Call for Power.
"We are very pleased BC Hydro will be moving ahead with a robust Clean Call and the Phase 2 Bioenergy Call," said Campbell. "These calls will drive sustainable economic growth and create jobs in communities throughout BC while reducing our province's carbon footprint."
"This decision will help renew interest and confidence in BC's clean energy sector," said Campbell. "Renewable energy production is growing the world over and BC has a tremendous opportunity to be a North American leader in this rapidly expanding industry and in the effort to tackle climate change, for the benefit of all British Columbians."
The Independent Power Producers Association of BC represents 320 project developers and service providers in British Columbia's renewable energy sector. The role of IPPBC is to support the development and viability of an independent power industry that serves the public interest by providing clean, cost-effective electricity though the responsible development of electrical generation resources.
For further information: Michael Goehring, Cell: (604) 374-3271, [email protected]
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