Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Chagger Kick Off Canada's Pride Season and Invite Canadians to Fly the Progress Pride Flag Virtually Français
GATINEAU, QC, June 15, 2021 /CNW/ - The Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, Bardish Chagger, today issued the following statement to kick off Pride Season in Canada:
Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and I join Canadians from coast to coast to coast and around the world to raise the Progress Pride Flag to officially kick off the beginning of Pride Season in Canada.
This year, as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the "We Demand" Rally, the first large-scale protests for LGBTQ2 rights in Canada, we are reminded that Pride Season goes beyond parades and summer festivals. It is a time to celebrate the resilience and spirit of those who have fought and continue to fight for freedom and equality.
Pride Season provides safer spaces for sexually and gender diverse people in Canada where they can be their most true, authentic selves. COVID-19 has affected all Canadians, and disproportionately certain segments, and LGBTQ2 communities are no exception. They have deeply felt the impacts of the pandemic, yet Pride and community-based organizations have found innovative and creative ways to safely come together to deliver programming when it is most needed. Thank you for your ongoing work and tireless commitment to making a more equitable and consciously more inclusive Canada.
I also want to extend our sincere gratitude to the courageous and resilient essential workers, including health care workers and first responders who are working night and day to help us in the fight against COVID-19 so that we can celebrate in person next year.
Today, I invite all Canadians to take part in the virtual flag-raising event by updating your personal and your organizations' cover images on all your social media platforms. Visit the Pride Season toolkit to download the images. Together, let's make a colourful splash online as we create a more equitable society where everyone is free to be their true, authentic self. Don't forget to show your Pride colours on social media using the hashtags #FreeToBeMe and #PrideSeason.
As Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada, I encourage everyone to take part in virtual celebrations in your region and around the world to honour the contributions of LGBTQ2 people in all aspects of society. Keep well and safe.
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SOURCE Canadian Heritage

(media only), please contact: Emelyana Titarenko, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, [email protected]
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