Quebec economy loses tens of millions of dollars in economic spin-offs every week across the province, according to Bitume Québec, due to the strike of the 1800 government engineers Français
MONTREAL, May 18, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - Acknowledging that the unlimited strike by government engineers is having a major financial impact on the entire road maintenance industry, Bitume Québec said today that it regrets that this ongoing labour dispute is leading to a virtual paralysis of essential activities related to the rehabilitation, paving and maintenance of the road network under the MTQ's responsibility, even though it is the ideal time of year, with the restrictions related to the spring thaw having already been lifted in some large regions.
"The association's member companies, like thousands of workers, are currently caught between a rock and a hard place, as if they were hostages, in this conflict that has negative repercussions not only on users but also on the companies that have mobilized with major investments in many cases to carry out their contracts," said Tytus Zurawski, president of the organization, who once again called on the parties to urgently resume negotiations.
For Bitume Québec, the unbearable wait for an imminent settlement of this dispute could, in addition, wreak havoc in terms of retention of specialized personnel in companies that, faced with uncertainty and a more or less certain future, could see many of its best elements leave the field to opt, in the alternative, for another sector offering more short-term stability. "This would be tragic for many companies who must also deal with the phenomenon of labour scarcity," continued Mr. Zurawski, while lamenting that the power of attracting talent could also be largely affected, or at least greatly attenuated.
According to Bitume Québec, every week of delay will have major repercussions on project schedules and cannot be made up for down the road despite all the efforts that could be made when returning to work.
The same is true for the negative repercussions that this will have on the 2023 work schedule, in particular, which requires an unimaginable investment of time by the contractors upstream, and for the preparation of plans and specifications by the Ministry's engineers, subsequently, in anticipation of the work provided for in the Quebec budget for 2023.
Bitume Québec reiterates that it adheres to the rule of strict neutrality, refusing to pronounce on the legitimacy of union demands and/or employer offers, but that it cannot bring itself to remain silent in the current state of the situation, which is taking on a social orientation and dimension that carries a great risk of unwelcome precariousness in many respects.
SOURCE Bitume Québec

Source: Tytus Zurawski, President, Bitume Québec; Contact: Alexandre Dumas, Vice President - Corporate Communications, NATIONAL Public Relations, 514-898-4636 (Mobile), [email protected]
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