MONTREAL, June 19, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - On June 20, 2015, hundreds of Christians of every right and denomination will gather at Ahuntsic Park, in solidarity with all the Christians around the world.
What is the gathering's purpose?
- To encourage Quebec Christians to take their returning role in the public sphere more seriously and to show solidarity with Christians all over the world who are persecuted for their faith.
- So that Christian values, the founding values of the Quebec identity, may continue to inspire personal and social choices.
- Because Christians care about their heritage and feel the need to show it.
Most Reverend Christian Lépine, Archbishop of Montreal
Douglas Farrow, Kennedy Smith Chair in Catholic Studies at McGill University
Marie-Claude Lalonde, National Director of Aid to the Church in Need in Canada
Attendance List
R.P. Jean El Dahdouh - Église Maronite Catholique
R. P. Bernard Bassett - Église Melkite Catholique
R. P. Jean El Murr - Église Antiochienne Orthodoxe
R. P. Kamil Ishak - Église Syriaque Orthodoxe
R. P. Vartan Tashjian - Église Arménienne Apostolique
R. P. Peter Saad - Église Copte Orthodoxe
R. P. Elie Yachouh - Église Syriaque Catholique
R. Pasteur Mher Khatchikian - Église Unie du Canada
Choral de l'église Sainte Antoine
M. Alain Kaade - Église Arménienne Catholique
R. Pasteur Georges Dabbo - Première Église Évangélique Arménienne
S. Em. Mgr. Abgar Hovakimian - The Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church
R. Pasteur Karnig Koyounian
R. P. Komitas Mirzakhanyan - Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church
Père Normand Daigle s.m., Curé de St-Vincent de Paul à Laval
Pasteur Réal Gaudreau - Église Évangélique La Bible Parle
Representative – Anglican Church
Choirs and Musical Groups:
Le Chœur de Jérusalem
Mission Notre Dame des Philippines
Chorale de l'église St-Antoine Legrand
Famille Marie Jeunesse
The media is invited as of 11:00 a.m. to meet with the speakers and organizers of the 2015 Christian gathering in Montreal.
SOURCE Archdiocese of Montreal

Source: Lucie Martineau, 514 925 4304; Information: L'abbé Robert Gendreau, 514 967 3013
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