/R E P E A T -- Canadian Dermatology Association: Winnipeg dermatologists
offer skin cancer screening, view of invisible sun damage, Polo Park Shopping
Centre, Winnipeg, Monday January 25, 2010/
Dermatologists will be conducting skin cancer screenings and using a UV light scope to reveal invisible sun damage. The event, hosted by the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA), aims to raise awareness about the need for early detection and prevention of this disease.
Those worried about spots or moles on their skin, or who have had a lot of sun exposure through outdoor work or recreational activities, are encouraged to come down. Skin cancer screening capacity is limited. The event only happens once a year. Skin cancer awareness materials will be available until
Who: Canadian Dermatology Association and Winnipeg dermatologists What: Skin cancer screening, sun damage check with UV light scope, and skin cancer awareness materials. When and where: Monday January 25, 2010, from 10 am to 1.30 pm, Community Centre, Polo Park Shopping Centre, 66Q - 1485 Portage Ave, Winnipeg.
Available for on-site interviews -
For further information: Sue Sherlock, Communications Officer, Sun Awareness Program, Canadian Dermatology Association, Office: (604) 985-9184, Cell: (604) 250-6952, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.dermatology.ca
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