/R E P E A T -- Media Advisory - Ontario JOIN's Annual Fall Employer Conference Shatters the Labels and Misconceptions of Employees with Disabilities/
TORONTO, Nov. 22, 2012 /CNW/ - Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. Almost 400 delegates representing Canada's private, public and non-profit sectors will come together to hear from organizations who have proven the business case for hiring persons with disabilities into their workforces and business at the 9th Annual JOIN Employer Conference: Dropping the label, sponsored by Scotiabank.
Attendees will hear about employees who have shattered the labels and misconceptions about productivity, safety, retention, high costs and absenteeism from employees who have with disabilities. These same individuals will share how they have, in spite of their disabilities, contributed greatly to their organizations' profitability and reputation, brought fresh perspectives and ideas for customers and clients, and shared in shifting attitudes within corporate cultures.
"Scotiabank is proud to be back as title sponsor of the 9th Annual JOIN Conference," said Sabi Marwah, Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Scotiabank. "This conference is an excellent opportunity for employers to learn to look past a person's disability to their talent and ability and ultimately to the contribution they can make to their organization."
RANDY LEWIS, Senior Vice President of Supply Chain and Logistics for Walgreens, during a luncheon keynote address, There Is No Greatness Without Goodness, will share how he was instrumental in introducing a new concept to Walgreens that would transform the company's distribution centers and employment opportunities. He will outline how Walgreens' two newest distribution centers now employ an inclusive and integrated workforce composed of 40 per cent persons with disabilities and his aim for 10 per cent of all of the Walgreen store workforce to be employees with disabilities.
Randy is not the only speaker who will challenge other organizations to make a commitment to hire Canada's largest demographic of unemployed persons—persons with disabilities.
Cyndi Desjardins, the conference closing keynote speaker, who survived an abrupt, near-fatal attack of Necrotizing Fasciitis, the "flesh-eating disease" that left her a quadruple amputee in 2010 will share her compelling story of recovery and new-found source of purpose, joy and inner strength.
When: November 26, 2012
Where: Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel, Toronto ON
About Ontario JOIN
Ontario JOIN is a non-profit registered charity that brings together job seekers with disabilities and employers. JOIN represents more than 24 service providers who offer employment supports to persons with disabilities. The total number of clients JOIN agencies serve is greater than a quarter of a million clients.
About Scotiabank
Scotiabank is committed to supporting the communities in which we live and work, both in Canada and abroad, through our global philanthropic program, Scotiabank Bright Future. Recognized as a leader internationally and among Canadian corporations for our charitable donations and philanthropic activities, Scotiabank has provided on average approximately $45 million annually to community causes around the world over each of the last five years. Visit us at www.scotiabank.com
Sharon Myatt
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