/R E P E A T -- Media Advisory: Workers at the RCMP rally, call on government to do more to solve problems with the Phoenix pay system/
SURREY, BC, Nov. 22, 2017 /CNW/ - Federal public service workers at the RCMP divisional headquarters in Surrey will gather on November 23 at a rally to raise awareness about the Phoenix pay system and call on the government to take the measures necessary to ensure they are paid correctly and on time.
- Date: Thursday, November 23, 2017
- Time: 7AM – 8AM
- Location: RCMP E Division Headquarters, 4200 Green Timbers Way, Surrey
"Public servants who work at the RCMP worry constantly about whether or not they will receive a correct pay cheque, or one at all," says Stan Stapleton, National President of the Union of Solicitor General Employees. "The report recently released by the Auditor General of Canada shows that 62 per cent of public servants were paid incorrectly at least once during the last fiscal year. Since then, the problem has only grown worse. The report makes it clear that more resources are required to ensure that federal government workers are paid accurately and on time."
The Phoenix payroll system used by the federal government has been riddled with problems since it was rolled out in early 2016. Tens of thousands of workers have been under-paid, paid late, and in some cases not paid at all.
"It has been over a year and a half since the pay system was rolled out and the government still can't pay us correctly for the vital work we do keeping British Columbians safe," says Stapleton. "During the implementation of the pay system, Public Services and Procurement Canada did not provide sufficient information, training and access to help departments and agencies understand and resolve their employees' pay problems. Senior managers were invested in this system and could not accept that this was a failure. They didn't stop, they didn't fix it and they didn't listen. As a result, workers at the RCMP have suffered. The government created this problem, and it's their job to fix it."
Despite not being paid properly, federal public servants at the RCMP are proudly committed to their work, day in and day out, keeping Canadians safe.
SOURCE Public Service Alliance of Canada

Patrick Bragg, PSAC Communications, cell: (778) 889-3486
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