/R E P E A T -- Media alert - Protest march on Saturday at Montreal to denounce the pipeline projects and demand an energy transition/ Français
MONTREAL, 8 Oct. 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - The student coalition against pipelines (Coalition ECO) and its partners are inviting the media to be present on Saturday, the 10th October at 12 o'clock for the protest march No to the Energy East and Line 9B Pipelines.
Ellen Gabriel, indigenous human rights defender, as well as representatives of Coule pas chez nous and Coalition ECO spokespeople will be speaking in front of protestors at the beginning of the event. The end of the march will end at Norman Bethune Square to join the March Against Deportations, Welcoming Refugees and Migrants. The representatives of ECO are available for interviews in person or by phone in the days preceding the protest and will be available to take questions in a press point before the event at 11:45pm next to the stage where will be held the speeches.
TYPE OF EVENT: Protest march
DATE : Saturday, October 10th, 2015
TIME : 12:00pm (noon)
WHERE : Place du Canada - Montreal (corner Peel et René Lévesque)
PARTICIPANTS : Coalition ÉCO, Alternatives, Climate Justice Montreal, Coalition Vigilance Oléoducs, Mur des femmes contre les oléoducs, Greenpeace Québec, ASSÉ, and the Regroupement Vigilance Hydrocarbures Québec
FACEBOOK LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/121079164911411/
About us
The Coalition ECO is a coalition formed of 15-student association. The coalition was formed in fall 2014 and regroups student unions from cegeps and universities across Quebec.
SOURCE Student Coalition against pipelines (ECO)

(Available for interviews) : Anthony Garoufalis-Auger, Spokesperson, Coalition Étudiant(e)s contre les oléoducs, 438-877-9007, [email protected]
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