/R E P E A T -- Media invitation - Press conference to announce the
international awareness campaign against image discrimination in society
inspired by a discrimination incident that occurred during the Festival de
Cannes 2008 and 2009 editions/
MONTREAL, April 5 /CNW Telbec/ - We are proud to invite you to a press conference to announce the international campaign against image discrimination in society called "RÉFLEXIONS" that will take place from April 26th to May 2nd, 2010. Also to announce the closing ceremony event to be held May 5th, 2010 at the Cinéma Impérial in Montréal.
At the press conference :
- We will present EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE of the discrimination incidents that occurred during the 2008 and 2009 editions of the Festival de Cannes that inspired this great endeavour and initiative supported by international associations as well as world-renowned collaborators. - We will also present the plan of action and objectives to sensitize the general public and the media about this endeavour. - Presentation of the international associations involved such as ; ASSOCIATION DES PARAPLÉGIQUES DU QUÉBEC, DISABLED PEOPLES INTERNATIONAL, AMERICAN DISABILITY ASSOCIATION, MEDIA AWARENESS NETWORK and many more. - Presentation of the partners and the international collaborators involved such as ; DANNY GLOVER, DAVID SUZUKI, VERNE TROYER, JOHN CROWLEY and many more. Date : WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 2010 Time : 10:30 AM Location : 1461 Saint-Alexandre, Montreal, QC, H3A 2G3
For further information: Sean Marckos, founder of the campaign, DREAMSGATE PICTURES, (514) 889-3042, [email protected]; please come to support this great initiative
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