/R E P E A T -- Revolutionary personal finance guide on money and relationships/
NEW GUIDE BOOK: "How to divorce-proof your MARRIAGE. Financially."
By Tatiana Terekhova, Divorce Financial Analyst, Fairsplit
4 out of 10 marriages fail. Don't let conflicts over household finances sabotage your relationship.
Can a book save your marriage?
TORONTO, Nov. 20, 2017 /CNW/ - Tatiana Terekhova, a divorce financial analyst, shares relatable, real-life stories on how lack of planning and toxic lifestyle habits can derail even a good marriage. Her practical insights can assist couples in keeping family's goals on track and prevent one of the most common causes of failed marriage – mutual anger and distrust over money and spending.
Complex child-raising infrastructure, bad habits, behavioral spending, and lack of financial intimacy – all those issues are skillfully addressed through innovative templates and checklists to help the reader to take charge.
Reader feedback:
"A revolutionary book on family finances!"
"I really enjoyed filling out all the templates…"
"Innovative and unexpected approach to financial planning."
About the Author:
Tatiana Terekhova, CFP, RRC, CDFA, CFDS has been a financial advisor since 2000.
After 9 years of dedicated service, in 2014, Tatiana left the CIBC, and founded Fairsplit, Oakville, Ontario, to provide independent financial counselling on separation and divorce.
Tatiana Terekhova is a member of Hamilton- Halton Collaborative Family Law Group. She provides monthly workshops at Women's Centre in Oakville and Milton, was quoted in MoneySense, Huffington Post, and has been aired on the CogecoTV on the topic of how money affect relationships.
SOURCE Fairsplit
Tatiana can be contacted for an interview: [email protected]; Tel: 1-844-878-7770
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