Ray-Mont Logistics is not carrying out non-compliant work and is not in violation of any request to stop work and operations at its Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve site Français
MONTREAL, April 8, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - Ray-Mont Logistics would like to set the record straight and correct serious factual inaccuracies that were communicated in the last few days regarding the activities currently underway at its Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve (MHM) site.
Ray-Mont Logistics wants to specify that, unlike what has been widely reported, the ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) has never demanded that any construction work or operations currently underway be stopped, nor has it requested, issued, or obtained an order for this purpose.
Specifically, the MELCC notices do not provide any analysis, comments, or requests related to construction work. All planned work has obtained the required authorizations from the MELCC and the City. The Ministry's press release, issued on April 5, 2022, lists the work allowed by the authorizations and permits issued.
Since the company's planned operations do not require any additional work in addition to the work already authorized and listed by the MELCC, the company confirms that all the work carried out on its property has obtained the required authorizations from the MELCC and the City of Montreal, and that no non-compliant work is currently underway.
The MELCC's notices sent on April 4, 2022 only concern Phase 1 operations and the sound modelling that Ray-Mont Logistics had proactively submitted to the MELCC to seek its opinion.
In a collaborative effort, Ray-Mont Logistics proposed to the Ministry that operations on the site not be undertaken until the analyses were completed. However, on March 16, 2022, the company was compelled to begin certain work and operations to comply with the City of Montreal's requirements. Despite this situation, which was beyond its control, the company reiterated its willingness to continue to collaborate with the Ministry by notifying it of the start of certain work and operations. The MELCC acknowledged this and at no time asked to stop the work, but rather indicated that it would continue its analysis.
In the meantime, on March 28, 2022, in a public statement, the Minister Benoit Charette stated, referring specifically to Ray-Mont Logistics' operations, that the storage of containers did not require any environmental authorization. This was exactly what was going on at the site.
Although the impact study submitted demonstrates compliance with the applicable regulatory standards with respect to noise, the MELCC requests additional information and concluded, based on the current information provided, that the operation of an intermodal platform including trucking and container storage activities 24 hours a day and 7 days a week would be likely to emit noise, which would require a ministerial authorization pursuant to the 2nd paragraph of section 22 of the Environment Quality Act (LQE).
Upon receipt of the notices by the MELCC, the company immediately initiated actions to respond in a timely manner and contacted the MELCC to express its willingness to continue the collaboration. Although the notices do not include a request to stop the current activities, the company is nevertheless ensuring that they are limited for the time being, taking into account the comments of the MELCC and of Minister Charette.
Therefore, it is factually inaccurate to assert that the company undertook non-compliant work, and that the Ministry orders the work to be stopped. The company also assures that current operations are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Ray-Mont Logistics has always been committed to complying with the current regulations and will continue in good faith the collaboration already started with the MELCC several years ago.
SOURCE Ray-Mont Logistiques

Nicolas Laflamme, [email protected]
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