Receiver statement regarding the Sale and Solicitation Process for assets
TORONTO, June 21, 2023 /CNW/ - PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. ("PwC") in its capacity as the court appointed Receiver of the business IE CA 3 Holdings Ltd ("IE CA 3") and IE CA 4 Holdings Ltd ("IE CA 4") (together the "Companies") announced the launch of a sale and solicitation process ("SSP") for the purpose of soliciting proposals to purchase the assets of the companies which are made up of approximately 37,500 bitcoin mining machines (the "Mining Equipment").
IE CA 3 and IE CA 4 are subsidiaries of the Iris Energy Group who own and operate three bitcoin mining centers in British Columbia.
To obtain detailed information on the Mining Equipment, interested parties will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The deadline for submission of final bids is 4.00pm PDT on July 31, 2023.
For enquiries or further information regarding the SSP
Please refer to the Receiver's website at or contact the Receiver directly at [email protected].
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SOURCE PwC Management Services LP
SOURCE PwC Management Services LP

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