Rohde & Schwarz Equips ATC Centers in Ireland and Iceland With State-of-the-Art IP Voice Communications for Air Navigation Services
MUNICH, Sept. 23, 2013 /CNW/ - Aviation authorities in Ireland (Irish Aviation Authority - IAA) and Iceland (ISAVIA) have selected Rohde & Schwarz as sole supplier for modernizing their communications equipment. The company will provide two fully IP-based voice communications control systems as well as HF radios. One system will be installed in the ISAVIA COM center in Gufunes, the other in the IAA COM center in Ballygirreen. The two systems can operate independently in standalone mode or, when connected, in joint-operation mode. The result is a virtual control center that significantly enhances the capabilities of air traffic controllers at both locations. In the event of a catastrophe, they will be able to access the resources of the other center and use the functions of both control systems. This innovative concept helps both countries meet the special challenges of their part of the North Atlantic oceanic control area (OCA), one of the most demanding operational ATC scenarios in the world. Shanwick OCA, with an area of approximately 3.8 million square kilometers, handles in excess of 400,000 aircraft on an annual basis. Reykjavik OCA is among the largest in the world, with approximately 5.4 million square kilometers, and handles some 100,000 airplanes per year.
SOURCE: Rohde & Schwarz

Press contacts: Europe (headquarters): Katrin Wehle, Phone: +49-89-4129-11378, Fax: +49-89-4129-13208, E-mail: [email protected]
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