RTNDF Canada Announces 2012 Scholarship Winners
TORONTO, May 16, 2012 /CNW/ - The Radio Television News Directors Foundation of Canada has awarded nine scholarships for 2012. The awards are made on a competitive basis from applicants across Canada. RTNDF was established in 1978 to offer financial assistance to students in Canada and to date has awarded more than $281,500 to Canadian students.
This year, over 200 Journalism students competed. The Overall winner of the George Clark Scholarship will be announced at the RTNDF luncheon as part of the RTDNA National Conference in Toronto, Ontario June 22, 2012.
The Scholarship winners are:
Franny Karlinsky & Alyssa Bauer - British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver, British Columbia - 660 News Diversity Scholarship for a story that best explores the issues of diversity.
Charlotte Elise Copps-Smith - Fanshawe College, London, Ontario - BNN/Jim O'Connell Scholarship for best business story.
Jeff Hamilton - Fanshawe College, London, Ontario - RTNDF Scholarship for second, third year and graduating students.
Mary Cranston - Fanshawe College, London, Ontario - COLD-FX Scholarship for best medical story.
Pauline Leger - Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario -Broadcasters of Atlantic Canada Scholarship for a student from the Atlantic Provinces.
Angela Jung & Francesca Fionda - British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver, British Columbia - The Canadian Press/Eric Murray Scholarship for anaboriginal or visible minority.
Taylor Simmons - Fanshawe College, London, Ontario - CBC/Barbara Frum Scholarship for best interviewing and story.
Carleigh Bodrug - Fanshawe College, London, Ontario - Marketwire Scholarship for a first year Broadcast Journalism student.
In addition to a cash award, winners will receive a complimentary registration to the RTDNA National Conference and travel subsidy for the national conference in Toronto, Ontario. A luncheon will be held to present and honor the recipients.
Sherry Denesha, Operations Manager, RTNDF Canada at (416) 756-2213 or email: [email protected] or contact RTNDF President, Robert Collins [email protected] or visit www.rtdnacanada.com
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