Ryerson University thrilled with Premier's announcement on bridging skills gap
Program to prepare social sciences graduates for jobs in information and communications sector
TORONTO, March 18, 2014 /CNW/ - Ryerson University is thrilled with Premier Wynne's announcement today of support for a program to bridge the skills gap and assist recent social sciences grads prepare for careers in the information and communications technology sector.
The unique program, based at Ryerson, will provide the young graduates with training and link them to industry partners for internships -- meeting an industry need for individuals with a hybrid of technical and soft skills, and helping to foster innovation.
The Advanced Digital and Professional Training for the Information and Communications Technology Sector (ADaPT-ICTS) program leverages the University's strong partnerships with industry and is an example of the University developing innovative and unique training experiences that respond to Canada's economic needs.
"Our sector needs people who can foster innovation by matching technology to the needs of users. Graduates who can bring their analytical and communications talent, and combine it with technical skills, are incredibly valuable because they will develop the content that fuels the next generation of digital applications," said Karna Gupta, President and CEO of the Information and Technology Association of Canada. "We are so pleased to be partnering with Ryerson and the government in this important program."
Ryerson University is Canada's leader in innovative, career-oriented education and a university clearly on the move. With a mission to serve societal need, and a long-standing commitment to engaging its community, Ryerson offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs. Distinctly urban, culturally diverse and inclusive, the university is home to more than 38,000 students, including 2,300 master's and PhD students, nearly 2,700 faculty and staff, and more than 155,000 alumni worldwide. Research at Ryerson is on a trajectory of success and growth: externally funded research has doubled in the past four years. The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is Canada's leading provider of university-based adult education. For more information, visit www.ryerson.ca
SOURCE: Ryerson University

Michael Forbes, Ryerson University, 416.999.3069, [email protected]; Follow us @RyersonU
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