Sexual, physical and psychological abuse at the Institution des Sourdes-Muettes de Montréal: La Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal has filed a class action against La Communauté des Soeurs de Charité de la Providence and the Sisters of Providence Français
MONTREAL, June 9, 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - Today, La Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal filed an application for authorization to institute a class action against La Communauté des Soeurs de Charité de la Providence and the Sisters of Providence. La Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal is seeking permission from the Superior Court of Quebec to represent former students and boarding residents of the Institution des Sourdes-Muettes de Montréal who were sexually, physically and / or psychologically abused by the nuns of this religious community.
The lawsuit alleges that these nuns used the power and authority bestowed on them by the religious community to abuse children in their care and to instill fear in all those who might come forward.
To date, there are more than forty individuals who have confided in the Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal that they faced sexual, physical and/or psychological violence at the hands of the nuns of the Institution des Sourdes-Muettes de Montréal during their studies or their time as boarders.
All individuals who believe that they were abused by the nuns of the Institution des Sourdes-Muettes de Montréal are encouraged to contact La Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal or its lawyers.
SOURCE Trudel Johnston & Lespérance

To obtain a copy of the procedure: TRUDEL JOHNSTON & LESPÉRANCE, Me Jessica Lelièvre, Me Claude Provencher, 750, Côte de la Place d'Armes, bureau 90, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2X8, Téléphone : 514 871-8385, [email protected], [email protected]
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