Soirée reconnaissance of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec for the Montreal region: 3L Innogénie INC honoured Français
MONTREAL, March 21, 2017 /CNW Telbec/ - 3L Innogénie INC, an engineering firm that specializes in developing products and technologies for the construction industry, received the 2017 Regional Recognition award yesterday for an innovative project at the very first Soirée reconnaissance event, which was organized by a committee formed of volunteer engineers from the Montreal regional committee of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and stakeholders from the region.
This honour was awarded for the Rubic project, a 10-story mixed-use building that was constructed in downtown Montreal thanks to Upbrella, a technology developed by the firm to make high-rise construction more accessible. Due to the fact that the envelope, roof and elevators are generally installed late in the construction process, it is difficult to deliver high-rise buildings rapidly. The Upbrella sheltered-construction system makes these three elements available as soon as work begins, which can improve both the productivity and the safety of tower construction work.
"By rewarding professional excellence, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec offers up inspiring engineers who set an example as professionals who have successfully applied the four fundamental values of our profession: competence, ethics, responsibility and social commitment," stated OIQ President Kathy Baig, Eng., FEC, MBA, at the event, which was held at the BAnQ Grande Bibliothèque.
The profession is replenishing its ranks: 700 new engineers on the Island of Montreal
This evening was also an opportunity to celebrate the individuals who have obtained their engineer's permit in the last 12 months, after completing their junior engineer period. They may now work fully independently. Last year, 700 professionals obtained this permit on the Island of Montreal.
The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec has nearly 18,500 members on the Island of Montreal. Women represent 17% of these members and 20% were trained abroad.
Scholarships for next generation of engineers in the region
To meet needs, engineering studies must also be promoted: This is exactly what the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec Foundation does when it awards scholarships to students every year.
Ten individuals from Montreal received one of thirty $3,000 Next Generation Scholarships awarded to students enrolled in a university engineering program:
- Thomas Cardinal (construction engineering, École de technologie supérieure);
- Catherine Corriveau (civil engineering, Polytechnique Montréal);
- Maxime Goulet-Bourdon (aerospace engineering, Polytechnique Montréal);
- Kamil Jihane (mechanical engineering, McGill University);
- Martin Klissarov (electrical engineering, Polytechnique Montréal);
- André Lamba (information technology engineering, École de technologie supérieure);
- Julien Lapensée (electrical engineering, École de technologie supérieure);
- Marieme Lo (construction engineering, École de technologie supérieure);
- Jennifer Magher (mechanical engineering, Polytechnique Montréal);
- Jordan Ricard (mechanical engineering, Polytechnique Montréal);
Four individuals from Montreal received one of seventeen $2,000 Scholarships for the Future awarded to college-level students:
- Matteo Barbieri (pure science, Marianopolis College);
- Nicholas Munden (natural science, Cégep Gérald-Godin);
- Daniel Schwartz (pure science, Marianopolis College);
- Pierre-Luc Thériault (natural science, Collège de Rosemont).
About the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Founded in 1920, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) has a membership of some 62,000 engineering professionals in all fields, except forest engineering. The OIQ strives to be a reference for professionalism and excellence in engineering as well as a unifying organization. Its mission is to protect the public by acting to ensure that engineers serve society with professionalism, compliance and integrity in the public interest. For more information, go to
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SOURCE Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec

Interview requests: Patrick Leblanc, Communications Advisor - Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, Cell: 514 441-3697; Other information: Aline Vandermeer, Communications Advisor - Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, Tel.: 514 845-6141 or 1 800 461-6141, extension 3253
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