New ad campaign encourages people to do something to stop microaggression racism.
TORONTO, Nov. 9, 2023 /CNW/ - OCASI Anti-Racism Campaign
Recent years have seen a rise in racist incidents and reported hate crime. Last year Statistics Canada reported a 72 percent increase in the hate crime rate between 2019 and 2021.
The CBC reported on a community based survey, which found reports of racist incidents in Canada increased by 47% in 2021 compared to 2020. Seeing this rise and talking about the problem leaves many Canadians with a feeling of helplessness.
That's why, through this campaign, OCASI is making it clear that there is no room for racism in Canadian society. In doing so, we want people to know it is important to speak up and be actively anti-racist, rather than merely recognizing racist behavior.
Working with Mass Minority on creative and media, "we focused on the seemingly small acts of abuse we see and hear everyday that seed an environment of exclusion and hate." said Debbie Douglas at OCASI. "To shift the conversation we also need to shift how we present occurrences of racism, and move beyond the expected indifference or lack of awareness. We needed to show everyday Canadians demonstrating everyday abuse that it is not okay." she went on to say."
In our first ad, Multiply, we show all it takes for racism to thrive is for people to tolerate it. To stay silent and try to turn away. Even though it is often the easy thing to simply ignore and stay silent. It's silence that allows racism to grow.
In Backyard Blast, we are so shocked when we hear casual racism that it's hard to speak out and easier to let it pass. But instead we put a loud focus on these things and actively promote that they should not go unnoticed.
From Debbie Douglas at OCASI, "This is the third program we have worked with the Mass Minority team on, and we are grateful for their partnership, openness and understanding of these often difficult and challenging subject matters. And with the level of excellence in the work and the partners they bring to each project. What we are really focusing on now is ensuring the message is being heard, and in as many spaces as possible."
OCASI is the umbrella organization for immigrant and refugee-serving agencies in Ontario and the collective voice of the sector.
Mass Minority™ Agency and BAM® Analytix LLC are wholly owned subsidiaries of Mass Mass Minority Inc., Mass Minority™ and Bam® Analytix have operating units in the USA and Canada.

Brett Channer, CEO Mass Minority, (416) 561-1408, [email protected]; Contact: Debbie Douglas, Executive Director (she/her) OCASI, (416) 322 4950 X229, [email protected]
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