"Stop Harper's War on Women" and support for striking education workers focus of Toronto's International Women's Day rally and march
TORONTO, March 7, 2015 /CNW/ - Thousands of people will take part in the annual march to celebrate the achievements and demand social and economic justice for women.
A highlight of the rally will be the focus on missing and murdered Aboriginal women and the complete lack of acknowledgement and leadership from Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Federal Conservative government.
"More than 1,200 missing and murdered Aboriginal women is a national emergency. To claim that domestic violence is at the heart of this matter ignores that most of unsolved cases occurred in a large urban centres and is victim blaming at its finest. Harper's disrespect for the families of missing and murdered women and girls is disgusting" said Audrey Huntley, co-founder, No More Silence
The rally also includes Kate Brennan, a striking teaching assistant at the University of Toronto.
"Most people are surprised to find out that many university workers, including teaching assistants, instructors and contract faculty, have low wages and no job security. We are among the 40% of people in the GTA who work in precarious jobs without security or benefits. We are fighting for decent wages and against precarious work. We want good jobs for all – in every sector, including universities.
Pascal Diverlus will speak on sexual violence and racial justice. She adds "1 in 5 women studying in North American post-secondary institutions are sexually assaulted. The majority will go unreported. We need to do better to support survivors."
Toronto has the largest International Women's Day rally in North America.
For more information on the International Women's Day 2010 visit www.iwdtoronto.org
Rally at 11:00am at OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor Street, West
March at 1:00pm
Fair at 1:30pm at Ryerson, 55 Gould Street
SOURCE International Women's Day Toronto (IWD Toronto)
Andrea Calver, 416-434-8031; Jenny Ahn, 416-271-3489
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