SAINT-LAURENT, QC, March 8, 2023 /CNW/ - At its meeting on March 7, 2023, the Saint-Laurent Council adopted its priority projects for 2023. These projects are based on the borough's 2022-2025 strategic plan adopted in September 2021.
Saint-Laurent administration wishes to mobilize both citizens and municipal staff around the 96 projects of this year.
« Our 2023 priority projects are the line that will guide our actions throughout the year. We have identified projects that respond to the needs and concerns of the population and the community. Thus, the safety of living environments, the inclusiveness of various groups present on the territory and the responsible economy will be among our priorities this year. Not to mention, of course, all our projects in sustainable development and urban planning. Our teams are ready to take action.»
Alan DeSousa, Mayor of Saint-Laurent
As a reminder, the 2022-2025 strategic plan is the result of a reflection, analysis and consultation exercise that began in October 2020, which brought together more than 500 people from community partners, staff and the Saint-Laurent population.
Saint-Laurent priority projects for 2023 are divided into the five strategic planning areas:
The borough intends to continue implementing its 2021-2030 Climate Emergency Plan. To do so, several projects have been identified as priorities according to the three objectives of the plan: reducing corporate greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), reducing collective greenhouse gas emissions and protecting biodiversity and adapting to climate change. Thus, in order to contribute to the reduction of corporate GHGs, the borough will aim, among other things, to optimize the use of electric and hybrid vehicles, convert the lighting in the sports fields of parc Saint-Laurent and parc Marcel-Laurin to LEDs and improve the management of residual materials in municipal buildings. In terms of reducing collective GHGs, Saint-Laurent will continue to deploy several subsidy programs aimed at energy conservation and zero waste, implement organic waste collection in buildings with 21 to 60 units and participate in a project to guide families towards a zero waste lifestyle. The protection of biodiversity remains a priority for the borough. Therefore, several projects will be implemented throughout the year, including the continuation of the restoration of parc Marcel-Laurin woodland, a nature oasis in the heart of Saint-Laurent, the deployment of an urban agriculture program, the planting of 200 additional trees on the public domain and a distribution program for emergency situation kits.
The diversity of Saint-Laurent's population is an asset in itself. Through the 2023 priority projects, Saint-Laurent hopes to further strengthen the ties within its community. Among other things, the borough plans to work on a precise assessment of the social development situation in the area, to put in place concrete mechanisms to encourage public participation, to facilitate access to culture for the entire community, to support and accompany community organizations that help newcomers and to set up a committee of partners on urban security and social cohesion to develop a concerted plan.
With its 42.8 square kilometers, the Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent requires effective planning of its urban fabric. It is therefore important to aim for sustainable urban development that respects the environment. To this end, the borough has planned several interventions on its territory, including the adoption of the Bois-Franc TOD urban plan, the planning of gateway sectors located at the borough's boundaries, the development of a special urban planning program for the Technoparc, as well as participation in the development of the Ville de Montréal's urban planning and mobility plan. We should also mention the inauguration of Maison Robert-Bélanger, which will add a municipal service point in the western sector of Saint-Laurent.
In order to meet the needs of the population in terms of mobility, the borough has identified projects that could improve travel and safety for all users. Among these, we find the construction of vegetated projections during geometric redevelopments on the local and arterial networks, the implementation of a road safety committee, the harmonization of parking restrictions on the territory by adding new time slots for on-street parking and allowing for the safe clearance of intersections.
In close collaboration with Excellence Industrielle Saint-Laurent, the borough intends to the necessary efforts to ensure a sustainable economic recovery. To achieve this, several projects have been identified, including the continuation of the ECO-Maillage program, the collaboration in the realization of the Rendez-vous laurentien de l'emploi and the promotion of local businesses while encouraging local hiring.
An additional focus has been added to reflect the efforts made on projects involving continuous improvement and performance within the organization. Thus, under this angle entitled Efficient Organization, we find projects such as the continuation of the borough's participation in the pilot project for the Ville de Montreal's new document management system, the deployment of the CLIC citizen request management system and the optimization of geomatics performance.
A city established in 1893, Saint-Laurent became one of Montréal's 19 boroughs in 2002. Located north of the island of Montréal, Saint-Laurent is the largest borough of all, with its 42.8 square kilometres. Its population of over 100,000 is one of the most multicultural. With the borough having become a "sustainable municipal territory" in 2019, its Administration places sustainable development—and environment protection, in particular—at the heart of all its decisions: a challenge that is all the greater since more than 70% of its territory is devoted to industrial and commercial activities, with over 4500 companies and 110,000 jobs. In fact, it is home to one of Québec's main industrial and technological hubs. Already boasting great accessibility to the main highways and public transit, Saint-Laurent is getting ready to welcome 5 train stations within the new Réseau express métropolitain (REM) light rail network. And last but not least, with Saint-Laurent's two libraries, its Centre des loisirs (recreation centre), its modern Complexe sportif, its arena and some 50 parks, a wide range of services are offered in many areas of activity, such as culture, sports and recreation. In this way, Saint-Laurent's Administration ensures a high quality of life for families living in the borough as well as a stimulating environment for businesses.
SOURCE Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent

Source : Macarena Lobos, chargée de communication, Direction d'arrondissement, Division des communications et des relations avec les citoyens, [email protected]; Information : Sonia Beauchemin, Lignes médias : 438 368-3318 ou 514 229-1673
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