Study Analyzes Usage Scenarios for Enterprise Architecture Management
BONN AND ESCHBORN, Germany, July 16, 2012 /CNW/ - Internal collaboration in large corporations, make or buy decisions, making information available to mobile users, and cloud computing are some of the areas of use which users expect to be highly relevant for the use of enterprise architecture management (EAM) in the future. In contrast, the majority of EAM producers expect future developments above all in areas such as corporate performance management, risk management, and benchmark analysis. These are the results of a study conducted jointly by the corporate consulting company Detecon and the TU Munich (Chair for Software Engineering), based on the results of a survey of EAM experts from 8 producer and 25 user companies. The study also analyzes 17 different trend scenarios in which commercial benefits are generated by the utilization of EAM. The common view of both users and producers is that architecture management will in the future become even more relevant for business strategy.
The study deduces the rising strategic importance for EAM from several indications, including the fact that 13 of 17 usage scenarios for business or technology strategy of a company were rated as being high priority. The highest value, for example, was scored by the EAM usage scenario for "Cross-department collaboration in large corporations". The study identifies potential benefits for the business goals "economies of scale", "innovation potential", "synergy effects", "holistic process management", and "simpler production processes". "Our study provides guidelines for every usage scenario; they can be used on the basis of the recognized TOGAF standards to initiate EAM projects to achieve specific goals," is how Managing Consultant Marcel Berneaud from Detecon describes the structure of the study.
Professor Florian Matthes, head of the Chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems at the TU Munich, emphasizes: "The study results support companies as they seek to utilize architecture management specifically in projects with a high strategic focus and not only in tactical, IT-oriented projects. However, it may be necessary as well to adapt processes and roles so that the architects can be given new assignments."
The study "Trends for Enterprise Architecture Management Tools Survey", which is in English, is available at
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Detecon International GmbH
Gerhard Auer
Phone: +49-228-700-1013
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