SAANICH, BC, Nov. 6, 2019 /CNW/ - Bargaining broke off late last night after three days of the latest round of negotiations between CUPE 441 and School District 63.
"I am disappointed that we did not reach an agreement that the bargaining committee felt they could recommend to members," said CUPE 441 President Dean Coates. "Our efforts to be creative and move toward the employer's position were not reciprocated and the employer would not add any additional funding."
The local will not be discussing details of the agreement until they have provided information about the package to their members and gotten their direction at a closed CUPE 441 meeting today.
CUPE 441 members have been on strike since October 28. The outstanding issue remains as wage parity. Picket lines will remain up at all schools.
CUPE 441 members provide a wide variety of services that support students. Members include Education Assistants, Technical Support staff, Library Techs, Youth and Family Counsellors, Clerical, Custodial, Grounds, Maintenance, Transportation, Trades and District support staff. The local represents almost 500 K-12 support staff workers in SD63 (Saanich).
SOURCE Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

Dean Coates, CUPE 441 President: 778-700-0441; Janet Szliske, CUPE Communications Representative: 604-454-7293
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