The Maritime Employers Association's Artificial Intelligence Project Galileo: A Technological Revolution Benefiting the Supply Chain Français
MONTRÉAL, Oct. 11, 2022 /CNW/ - The Maritime Employers Association (MEA) is proud to announce the launch of its artificial intelligence project, Galileo. Designed in collaboration with Airudi and with the contribution of Scale AI, this revolutionary tool is designed to improve the planning surrounding the dispatch of the port workforce.
Using artificial intelligence, Galileo will complement the Port of Montréal's projects by providing unprecedented supply chain visibility. This new tool makes it possible to accurately predict the arrival time of ships up to 21 days in advance. This is a tremendous improvement over the status quo – which allows for only 24 hours of real-time visibility – and will therefore improve the performance and increase fluidity at the Port of Montréal.
Taking into account port traffic, the weather, and the quantity and type of merchandise, Galileo will propose an optimal scenario for the dispatch of the labour force that both respects the collective agreements, and factors in the availability of port workers and the required classifications. Terminal operators will therefore have an additional resource at their disposal to help them make better decisions regarding their labour needs.
The MEA will share the data with the other supply chain stakeholders regarding the average time required for unloading and loading ships, based on the number of workers, and will advise them as to the best time of day to begin their operations.
An entire supply chain ecosystem will benefit from this improved visibility and will be able to better plan the handling of merchandise between ship, road, and rail. The Port of Montréal will become much more competitive in the management of its operations.
Expected Benefits
- A reduction in labour shortages
- Optimized hiring costs
- Lower error ratio in labour forecasting
- Optimized technical training programs
- Better coordination between stakeholders thanks to improved visibility on labour capacity
Watch our video on the subject.
"When I started at the MEA as Vice-President, Information Systems, I realized that there were no technological solutions for providing ship arrival times, real-time data, or ship loading and unloading forecasts. Having extensive experience, particularly in aeronautics, this surprised me, but I immediately seized on the opportunity with my team. That's how the Galileo project was born. Finally, an AI tool to assist the maritime industry's logistics experts." - Robert Roy, President of the Maritime Employers Association.
"This innovative project clearly demonstrates the importance of artificial intelligence in improving supply chain processes in order to ensure the fluidity of operations and, consequently, reduce GHGs. Galileo is another example of the positive results of collaboration between all the players in our industry, and of the strengths of Montréal's AI hub." - Martin Imbleau, President and CEO of the Montréal Port Authority.
"By investing in projects focused on the development and adoption of AI, Scale AI helps reduce the risks associated with innovation and accelerates its positive impact on organizations. The MEA's project perfectly illustrates the added value that AI can bring to the supply chain. The project was made possible thanks to the talent of local experts, such as Airudi, a participant in the Next AI and CDL programs, and thanks to the connections facilitated by Scale AI between start-ups and companies. Galileo integrates complex data that is gathered in collaboration with multiple partners who all contribute and benefit from the predictability and optimization of the operations." - Julien Billot, CEO of Scale AI.
"Airudi is delighted to support and guide the MEA for this project. Thanks to the MEA's state-of-the-art technology, which is based on the combination of various AI tools and expertise in human resources, the organization serves as a critical link in maintaining the fluidity of the Québec and Canadian supply chain. The strength of Galileo lies in the development of a breakthrough innovation that specifically addresses and resolves the daily challenge of deploying the port's nearly 1,800 employees.
This new AI-powered platform administers the workforce allocation and dispatch, as well as the labour forecasting. In addition to creating tremendous value, it also demonstrates the important role that humans play in the supply chain." - Pape Wade, Co-founder and CEO of Airudi.
About the Maritime Employers Association
The MEA is the employer of the longshore workers and checkers. It negotiates and administers the collective agreements of its members. It recruits, trains, and deploys labour in the ports of Montréal, Contrecœur, Trois-Rivières, Bécancour, Hamilton, and Toronto.
The organization also plays an advisory role regarding workplace health and safety.
About Airudi
Airudi combines artificial intelligence with human intelligence. The company develops unique, state-of-the-art AI software solutions that are both built for business and people-centric. Their team includes both specialists in human resources and experts in artificial intelligence.
Airudi was born from an idea: Making people the heart of organizations again.
About Scale AI
As a global AI Innovation Cluster, based in Montréal, SCALE AI acts as an investment and innovation hub that accelerates the rapid adoption and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and contributes to the development of a world-class Quebec and Canadian AI ecosystem. Funded by the federal and Québec governments, SCALE AI works with nearly 500 industry partners, research institutes, and other players in the field of AI. The organization develops programs aimed at supporting investments in companies that implement real-world applications of AI and at encouraging the emergence of future flagships in the sector, all while facilitating the development of a skilled workforce.
SOURCE Maritime Employers Association

Jean-Luc Benoît, Tesla RP, 514 404-8482, [email protected]
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