MONTRÉAL, Jan. 12, 2023 /CNW Telbec/ - Espace pour la vie and Cultiver Montréal are pleased to announce the return of the Montreal Seedy Weekend. Organized by Cultiver Montréal and presented by Espace pour la vie, the 2023 edition will be held under the theme of Solidarity Seeds and will invite the public to discover the connections between seed growers, market gardeners, citizens and seed biodiversity. The rich and friendly program will highlight the ties of solidarity that are forged between the actors of life, through panels and workshops. On February 4 and 5, at the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium, citizens will also be able to purchase local and ecological seeds from some twenty Quebec seed companies.
When: |
Saturday, February 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Sunday, February 5, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
Where: |
Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan |
Important information:
- All Seedy Weekend activities are free of charge;
- Seating is limited in panels and workshops, online reservations required;
- The complete program is available online;
- The seed companies' online stores are also accessible at
We would like to acknowledge the generosity and support of our Melon d'Or sponsors, the Association des Marchés Publics du Québec (AMPQ), the Jardins de l'Écoumène and the Tourne-Sol Cooperative Farm
Panels (In French)
Saturday, February 4
Joining forces to grow more seeds in Quebec | 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
In partnership with Sème l'avenir
Fresh perspectives on how and why seed growers and market gardeners join forces in the production of reproducible and open-pollinated seeds. Examines the collaborative, merging and/or networking dynamics of these two skills.
Experts & professionals
With : Daniel Brisebois (Ferme coopérative Tourne-Sol), Roland Joannin (La pomme de demain), Jean-François Lévêque (Les jardins de l'Ecoumène)
Citizen seed keeper | 2:30 to 3:30 p.m
What is a "seed keeper" and how do you get involved in protecting and transmitting open-pollinated and reproducible seeds? A talk for those interested in preserving Quebec's biodiversity and plant heritage.
General public
Sunday, February 5
Seed Rights in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities | 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
In partnership with Sème l'avenir
Presentation from experts; reaction and questions from seed growers, farmers and the public.
General public
With : Hugo Martorell (Sème l'avenir), Thibault Rehn (Vigilance OGM)
Hand in hand, with urban gardeners | 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Advice and tools for designing, growing and maintaining a biodiverse food garden.
General public
With : Mélanie Grégoire (Terre promise), Audray Pépin (Tisane et jardin)
Workshops (In French)
Saturday and Sunday, February 4 and 5
Seed bomb crafting | 1 to 2 p.m.
Offered by les Amis du Jardin botanique de Montréal
Designed for 6 to 14 year olds.
Panels and workshops are offered in French only.
See the complete program
The origins of the Seedy Weekend
This event grew out of the community-based urban agriculture movement in Montreal. Founded in 2001 by the organizations Action communiterre and the Dépôt centre communautaire d'alimentatio, then carried by the solidarity organization Alternatives in 2017, the relay is now in the hands of Cultiver Montréal, the network of Montreal farmers.
Cultiver Montréal is a proactive and united network working for the development of a sustainable and nurturing city. Our main mission is to support, support and contribute to the development of all forms of agriculture in the Greater Montreal, in consultation with its members, to make Montreal a sustainable, resilient and nourishing city.
Espace pour la vie is made up of five major attractions: the Biodôme, the Biosphère, the Insectarium, the Jardin botanique and the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan. These prestigious municipal institutions form Canada's largest natural science museum complex. Together, they are launching a daring and creative urban movement, encouraging all of us to rethink the connection between humankind and nature and cultivate a new way of living.
@EspacePourLaVie @CultiverMontreal #FêteDesSemences
SOURCE Espace pour la vie

Questions and interviews about the Seedy Weekend and Cultiver Montréal : Céline Duhamel, General coordinator, Cultiver Montréal, C : 438 526-1319, [email protected]; Questions about Espace pour la vie : Marie-Joëlle Filion, Communication coordinator, Espace pour la vie, C : 514 443-6801, [email protected]
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