The SdesJ launches Phase 3 of its digital divide program Français
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Sommet socioéconomique pour le développement des jeunes des communautés noiresNov 13, 2020, 09:00 ET
MONTREAL, Nov. 13, 2020 /CNW Telbec/ - Following contributions from new funding partners, the Sommet socio-économique pour le développement des jeunes des communautés noires (SdesJ) is announcing the 3rd phase of its 4C program. "We're grateful for the generosity of our funding partners, which will help us counter the digital divide for the most vulnerable families," said Edouard Stace, SdesJ President.
The goal of the 4C program is to improve digital skills and address inequalities in accessing digital equipment for nearly 3,000 youth and their families from all backgrounds in Québec. Since its launch in April 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, applications have snowballed. "We are pleased to already be seeing the benefits of this innovative program. We would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the 26 organizations and our school partners who contribute to its success," said Staco.
4C funding partners: Centraide of Greater Montreal, through its emergency COVID-19 fund and the federal government's Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF), La Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, Power Corporation of Canada, Viau Frantz Benjamin and Laurier-Dorion MP Andrès Fontecilla.
4C member organizations: Bureau de la communauté haïtienne de Montréal (BCHM), Chantier d'Afrique du Canada (CHAFRIC), Forum jeunesse afro-québécoise, Maison d'Haïti, One Full Circle, Fonds 1804 pour la persévérance scolaire, Afrique au féminin, Bien dans mes basket, Black Community ressources centre, Coumbite Laval, Fondation Jeunesse et perspectives, CARD,Quebec Black board of educators (QBBE), CARD, Maison des jeunes L'ouverture, Centre NA Rive, Bien dans mes basket, Westcan, Hoodstock, CHAIS, Maison des Jeunes des Rivières des Prairies, KNVA, GAPS-Vies, Lachine LAB, Projet Villeray, Genilab, Abundant Community Centre, COPAQ, CIDIHCA.
About the SdesJ
The SdesJ is an innovative network whose mission is to contribute to the economic and social development of Québec by specifically focusing on the contribution of youth in black communities. It includes more than 40 organizations and associations from francophone and anglophone black communities.
SOURCE Sommet socioéconomique pour le développement des jeunes des communautés noires

Widlyn Dornevil, Development and Communications Manager, 438 878-3343, [email protected],
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