OTTAWA, Jan. 10, 2017 /CNW/ - The Thermal Insulation Association of Canada (TIAC) is a non-profit organization whose membership includes contractors, distributors, and manufacturers involved in the production, distribution, and installation of mechanical insulation products and accessories. Our members service a variety of construction market segments including residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, marine, refrigeration, and cryogenic. Visit for more information.
The majority of our membership comprises small, independent, family businesses, and healthy small businesses are the backbone to a healthy economy. Our members live and work in large cities and small towns all across Canada – we truly are an organization whose membership touches the four corners of our country.
As in any industry, our members rely on a strong economy and a healthy construction industry; and, responsible government leadership on issues of national importance.
Pipelines for crude oil and LNG have rightfully become a national story in Canada. It is an emotional topic with many determining factors that need careful evaluation, rational thought, and responsible debate. This is not the time for emotional over-reaction from either side of the conversation.
Special interest groups protesting against pipelines with the message, "No pipelines under any circumstances," are hijacking the debate. The discussion should instead be focused around putting responsible objections based on fact on the table and having proponents of pipelines address those concerns. As a national organization, TIAC is calling on the Canadian Government to block out the noise and listen to the experts on both sides of the pipeline debate.
This issue is of great national importance in Canada. The development and export of our natural resources is crucial to our future economic stability. The job creation and royalties paid into all levels of government from pipeline development and the efficient movement of our resources to market are critical if Canada is to continue to provide world class education and health care to all its citizens.
TIAC believes there is a way to build pipelines and develop our natural resources in an environmentally responsible way that recognizes the rights of all individuals impacted along the pipeline routes. Special interest groups must work together to find viable solutions rather than taking a hard stand and ignoring advancements in science and construction technologies that can ensure the safe operation of a pipeline system.
Under these circumstances, TIAC supports an environmentally safe national pipeline program and recognizes that any pipeline development must properly address the concerns of First Nations and all Canadians. We encourage the Canadian Government to take an active leadership role in ensuring the successful negotiation of a national pipeline strategy so Canada can finally move its resources freely, within Canada and to deep seaports for export around the world.
SOURCE Thermal Insulation Association of Canada

TIAC office, [email protected] or 613.724.4834
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