The Trend Towards Networking All Areas of Life as Well as Ever Higher Security Requirements are Driving Rohde & Schwarz Business
MUNICH, Nov. 2, 2017 /CNW/ - Rohde & Schwarz closed its fiscal year with a stable net revenue and a record-breaking order intake. Thanks to its wireless communications and security expertise, the technology company has successfully entered important future markets. Business and society are quickly becoming progressively networked, and security requirements are increasing accordingly. Already today, Rohde & Schwarz offers solutions for these challenges.
In the 2016/2017 fiscal year (July to June), Rohde & Schwarz once again surpassed the two billion euro mark for incoming orders. At EUR 2.06 billion, order intake was 14 percent higher than in the previous year, while net revenue remained stable at EUR 1.91 billion. The workforce continued to grow, from 10,000 in the previous year to around 10,500 as of June 30, 2017. All business fields contributed to the success of the fiscal year. Growth was primarily the result of the digital transformation and the progressive networking of many areas of professional and daily life.
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Katrin Wehle; phone: +49-89-4129-0; email: [email protected]
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