Three Nations Crossing - Condition of the North Channel of the Seaway
International Bridge
As a federal Crown Corporation, SIBC is mandated to operate and maintain the crossing for the safe and efficient passage of passenger and freight vehicles.
The structural condition of the bridge is monitored through annual inspections by a team of professional engineering specialists. Each year the SIBC undertakes a rigorous program of preventive maintenance and repairs to address any deficiencies that are observed.
The North Channel Bridge was opened to travel in 1962. The original design loading for the North Channel Bridge is comparable to current code requirements for unrestricted highway loading. Also, the bridge superstructure is made up of thirteen span elements. Loading on one part of the structure therefore does not contribute to loading on the adjacent span. This is a very robust design, and means that the bridge can safely accommodate a stationary queue of vehicles.
For further information regarding the SIBC, please refer to the website at
For further information: André Girard, Vice-president, Communications, The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, (613) 998-8427
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