"Time starved" Calgarians get help from new shared economy platform
Calgary immigrant one of many benefiting from new service
CALGARY, June 13, 2018 /CNW/ - Carpe diem! Seize the day! Everyone's heard these sayings. Yet, many people are so short of time that they'd be happy to simply seize two or three hours, let alone a full day.
In fact, one survey of 2,000 moms found that the average mother gets less than 17 minutes of "me time" a day. Scientists have coined the phrase "time famine" to describe the experience of time scarcity and linked it to lower well-being. People who are time stressed can also feel less happy, be more anxious, experience poor sleep and even suffer obesity.
Calgarians can now buy more time thanks to entrepreneur and busy mom Catherine Goulet and her team at www.zenGOT.com, an online platform that provides on-demand home services by trusted, qualified and affordable home service providers ("zenGivers"). "I knew there had to be a better way and that I wasn't the only one experiencing a shortage of time," says Catherine. "I wanted more freedom to do what I enjoy with the people I love."
zenGOT recently launched in Calgary and there has been a lot of interest in the platform which uses a business model like Airbnb and Uber. Customers can order a range of services instantly including: errand running, cleaning, handy person, yard work, pet services, organizing, elder assistance and more.
Not only do zenGOT's customers get more time, they also support zenGivers in being independent service providers who realize their dream of having their own business where they get to set their own rates, choose the areas where they work and make their own schedule.
"I love that zenGOT enables me to run my own business," says Viola Simon, a single mom from South Sudan who immigrated to Calgary from Uganda where she briefly spent time in a refugee camp. "Who doesn't like to be their own boss. The fact that I could set my own rates really appealed to me." Viola adds "With zenGOT, there are lots of opportunities. You don't have to go looking for the customers." Click here to find out more about Viola's story.
"It's so gratifying!" zenGOT founder and CEO Catherine states. "Everyone gets to enjoy a better quality of life whether it's the customer or the zenGiver or the recipient of a virtual zenGOT Gift Card that can be bought online instantly and sent virtually to friends and loved ones."
In fact, a 2017 study led by Harvard researcher Dr. Ashley Whillans found that people who spent money on time-saving services had greater life satisfaction. And that was found across all income levels – you don't need to be wealthy to purchase more freedom in your life.
"Life is short," says zenGOT's Chief Experience Officer Dr. Lolly de Jonge. "Why not seize the day, buy yourself a few hours of time and be happier?"
zenGOT is an easy to use, online platform that matches customers who order on-demand home services with trusted, qualified and affordable service providers (zenGivers).
or to arrange an interview or use of photos, contact [email protected] or 1.604.831.7883 or visit our website www.zenGOT.com.
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