ROUYN-NORANDA, QC, Jan. 24, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - The Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) today unveiled its 2019-2024 Indigenous Peoples' Action Plan. This plan is the outcome of Chantier peuples autochtones, a major initiative that took place over a period of one year. A working committee brought together representatives from UQAT's teaching and research units, schools, and institutes, from services for Indigenous peoples, and from external Indigenous partners. Its task was to come up with a forward-looking action plan for development of partnerships between UQAT and Indigenous communities and organizations in Quebec, across Canada, and elsewhere in the world.
The Vice-Rector for Teaching, Research, and Creation, Manon Champagne, presented the outline and key aims of the action plan. This plan proceeds from UQAT's 2015-2020 Development Plan, particularly the goal of "Strengthening Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples." It is based on four policy aims, which are supported by specific courses of action:
1. Help develop the skills of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students:
- Content of programs
- Teaching methods
- Path through school
2. Improve the student experience for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people:
- UQAT's internal services
- Institutional environment
- Services external to UQAT
3. Contribute through research and creation to the well-being of Indigenous peoples:
- Environment of research and creation
- Support for research and creation
4. Help improve intercommunity relations:
- Support for mutual relations through key people in social, economic, and cultural contexts
Examples were presented by different people to show how UQAT is in a class of its own in its partnerships with Indigenous communities and organizations, particularly in its way of working, in the way it develops its projects, and in its spaces and infrastructures. The people in charge thus spoke about continuing education activities, co-management and teleworking, and the participatory mapping laboratory. A tour of the new laboratory was also organized by its supervisor, Benoit Éthier, a professor at the School of Indigenous Studies.
"UQAT's 2019-2024 Indigenous Peoples' Action Plan is a concrete effort for our university. It's an opportunity to go even farther and continue developing by consolidating and improving even more our partnerships with Indigenous communities." These proud words were spoken at the launch by the Vice-Rector for Teaching, Research, and Creation, Manon Champagne. "UQAT has been a reference for Indigenous issues ever since it was founded," added Vincent Rousson, Assistant Vice-Rector for Development of Services and Partnerships. "Thanks to this innovative action plan we'll continue to play a leading role in developing training and research for, by, and with First Peoples and Inuit."
SOURCE Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)

Stéphanie Duchesne, Director, Communications and Recruitment Service, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 819 762-0971, ext. 2222
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