Vanier College Students Association Launches Winter Coat Drive to Help Sun Youth
MONTREAL, Jan. 27, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - The Vanier College Students Association is pleased to announce it has launched a winter coat drive to help Sun Youth Organization.
"All year long Sun Youth Organization does tremendous work helping Montrealers in need so the Vanier College Students Association wanted to do something to help out as well. Given the extremely cold weather we have been experiencing in the city no one should have to go without a proper winter coat and the V.C.S.A. hopes to collect as many coats as possible until February 6th so that we can give them to Sun Youth, who will then distribute them to those in need," said Majed Abou Alkhir, President of the Vanier College Students Association.
"This gesture by the Vanier College Students Association is very much appreciated as this year we do need more winter coats than usual compared to other clothing items given the cold winter we have been having," said Eric Kingsley, Co-ordinator for Emergency Services at Sun Youth.
Andrew Liberio, Vice-President of the Vanier College Students Association, said the decision by the V.C.S.A. to launch the winter coat drive to help Sun Youth is in line with the association's mission of helping members of the community. For example, last fall, the V.C.S.A. helped offer over 35 students in need $100 in food credits that are redeemable at Jake's café, Vanier College's co-op while the V.C.S.A also offers free breakfasts to students twice a month.
SOURCE Vanier College

Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier College Communications, (514) 744-7500 ext. 7596
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