OTTAWA, March 19, 2018 /CNW/ - Canada's Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent will be in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 20-2st to meet with Veterans and their families, Veterans' organizations, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, and municipal leaders.
"I am looking forward to visiting Winnipeg," said the Ombudsman. "It is a vibrant community with many serving members and Veterans and their families. Their concerns are my concerns as Veterans Ombudsman, and I intend to reach out to and meet as many members as I can."
Mr. Parent hosts public Town Halls and Stakeholder Meetings in communities across the country. On the afternoon of March 20th, he will be hosting a Stakeholder Meeting in Winnipeg at the Clarion Hotel including representatives of local Veterans' groups, health care and service providers, researchers, and members of the Defence community. In the evening of March 21st, from 7 pm to 8 pm, he will host a public Town Hall, also at the Clarion Hotel. At the meetings, he will provide an update on the work of his office and the support it provides, his priorities going forward, and recommendations for improvements. An Ombudsman Intervention Officer will also be in for private consultations with Veterans.
Chief Warrant Officer Guy Parent (retired) joined the Canadian Forces in 1964, and served as a Search and Rescue Technician for over 30 years. He now has been serving Canadians in various military and civil functions for over 50 years. He was first appointed Veterans Ombudsman in November 2010 for a five-year term, which was renewed in 2015 for three additional years.
The Veterans Ombudsman works to ensure the fair treatment of Veterans and their families by reviewing and addressing complaints, and systemic and emerging issues in relation to the programs, services and benefits provided by Veterans Affairs Canada. The Office of the Veterans Ombudsman is evidence-informed with dedicated front-line staff who help individual Veterans and their representatives navigate the complexity of VAC's benefits and programs. The office also identifies gaps in programs, benefits and services for Veterans and their families, informs debate on systemic issues and makes recommendations to the Government for improvements.
SOURCE Veterans Ombudsman

Media inquiries: Isabelle Moses, Communications Director, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, 613-294-7152, [email protected]
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