Announcing guidelines to improve patient care and treatments
TORONTO, April 26, 2018 /CNW/ - World PI Week is an international movement to bring together patients, families and health care professionals to raise awareness, and improve diagnosis and treatment of Primary Immunodeficiency (PI).
PI occurs when an individual is born with a broken or completely missing immune system. It is a genetic malfunction and can affect just one cell or many part of the immune system. The World Health Organization recognizes more than 350 genetic defects and disorders of the immune system. There are ten warning signs every parent should know.
To mark #WorldPIWeek, (Test, Diagnosis, Treat), Immunodeficiency Canada announces the publication of Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy Guidelines for patients care. This therapy is made from human blood and plasma donations. Many PI patients are dependent upon this therapy as there is no other treatment.
Immunodeficiency Canada brought together a national group of Canadian immunologists. With their experience and knowledge this team formulated a set of unanimously agreed upon recommendations for the use of Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy. The recommendations were published in the Lymphosign Journal, December 2017. It is now the standard for diagnostic and treatment centres of Primary Immunodeficiency across Canada.
Lymphosign Journal is the official journal of Immunodeficiency Canada. It publishes novel clinical, translational, and basic research in the fields of immunology, gastroenterology, neurology, dermatology, rheumatology, hematology, and infectious disease.
"Immunodeficiency Canada has a direct impact on the care and treatment of patients with Primary Immunodeficiency, and works to provide the best treatments for patients based on science. It is our hope that governments across Canada adopt these guidelines" Richard Thompson, CEO
Immunodeficiency Canada is very appreciative of the contributions of Drs. Stephen Betschel, Peter Dent, Elie Haddad, Alison Haynes, Thomas Issekutz, Bruce Mazer, Chaim M. Roifman, Bob Schellenberg, Gordon Sussman, Stuart Turvey, Susan Waserman and Ms Brenda Reid.
SOURCE Immunodeficiency Canada

on World PI Week: Bénédicte Faure, World PI Week Project Coordinator, Rue du Luxembourg 22-24 1000 Brussels - Belgium, 0032 (0)2 213 13 42, Twitter @WorldPIWeek, [email protected],; For more information on Immunodeficiency Canada: Richard Thompson, Chief Executive Officer, Immunodeficiency Canada, Tel 416-964-3434, Twitter @immunodeficiencyca, [email protected],
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