CCAB, Division of BPA Worldwide (BPA), is a not-for-profit, self-regulating organization governed by a tri-partite Board of Directors composed of advertisers, agencies and media owners.  Operating as the Canadian division of BPA, CCAB is a provider of media auditing services to daily and community newspapers, business and consumer magazines and other media platforms.  Under the iCompli brand offering, compliance to defined government, industry and organizational standards is verified, as well as adherence to privacy, data protection and sustainability guidelines and industry best practices.

The organization’s latest initiative, the BPA Media Exchange, is a programmatic collective to provide advertisers and media buyers with the following: A vertically focussed private marketplace; a collective of high quality, audited media; and a high-quality audience. It is the only private marketplace comprised of audited sites and provides marketers with brand safety. For more information on how the BPA Media Exchange benefits buyers and sellers of digital advertising, visit     

With nearly 2,600 audits conducted spanning more than 20 countries, BPA Worldwide is a trusted resource for compliance and assurance services.  For more information, visit  

Contact Information
M. Timothy Peel
Vice President
Tel: 1-877-302-8348 ext. 1
[email protected]