About Greenbutts™️
Since 2010, Greenbutts has worked with R&D institutions, international tobacco companies, and industry experts to develop biodegradable filter technology – trademarked as a "Greenbutt". The Company has developed and patented a "zero-plastic" filter, made without any synthetic materials or plasticizers, 100% biodegradable and water dispersing which meets certain industry criteria. The proprietary Greenbutts filter is designed to reduce the significant environmental impact caused by plastic cigarette filter pollution. Over 4 trillion are discarded every year making single-use filters the most littered plastic item in the world. With over a decade of R&D and strong intellectual property, Greenbutts offers the $1 Trillion global tobacco industry a seamless transition to zero-plastic filters while meeting the new global single-use plastic (SUP) legislation initiatives.
- Office Locations
- 415 Laurel Street suite 430, San Diego, CA 92101 USA
- Contact Information
Tadas Lisauskas, CEO
[email protected]
(858) 353-0304
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