The explosion of social media and digital streaming platforms has posed a unique challenge for the entertainment industry. It has led to a saturation of content, which, in turn, has resulted in an overload of entertainment news.

Paid advertising and marketing have always been crucial tools for PR and communications professionals looking to promote film and music launches. But, at the same time, PR services cannot be underestimated as a means to build hype amid the noise.

In this blog, we’ll discuss one of the most valuable assets of public relations since the previous century — the press release. 

Crafting a standout entertainment press release is one of the most credible and cost-effective ways to grab media attention. However, it is also one that requires great understanding to get right. So, how can PR and communications professionals use a press release to make the most of celebrity announcements? Let’s take a closer look.


Understanding the Entertainment Ecosystem

For many years, the news cycle operated in a fixed way. News that broke through the day was published in the papers the next morning. The proliferation of cable news and, more recently, social media has given rise to the 24/7 news cycle. 

Entertainment news stories have adapted to this media landscape with great success. PR and communications professionals no longer have to compete for the attention of a few tabloid journalists and find space in already filling pages of mainstream newspapers. Instead, they can also take advantage of the paparazzi, influencers, relevant bloggers, and several content distribution channels to get noticed.

How does the press release fit into this unique entertainment ecosystem? 

One of the major issues often associated with entertainment news is that it is full of misinformation, sensationalism, and rumours. The press release has the advantage of allowing a media company to shape its own narrative. Plus, it is more cost-effective and is seen as more credible when compared to traditional paid advertising.


Crafting the Perfect Entertainment Press Release

Whether you’re crafting a movie press release or announcing entertainment events, certain elements are characteristic of every release.

For a release to get the attention of a journalist, for instance, it must be written in a specific style — answering crucial questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) at the outset and leaving all secondary information to fall below, in what is called the “inverted pyramid” formula. 

Besides this basic rule, you may wish to pay extra attention to:

  • The Headline: It’s the first thing that will grab the attention of the reader. Make sure it’s catchy and specific to the entertainment world.

  • Relevance: Context can improve your chances of being published. Pay attention to industry trends and figure out how your release fits into the ecosystem.

  • Visuals: To make a release stand out in this digital age, it must be as appealing as it is relevant. Making use of engaging visuals, trailers, or teasers can help. 

  • Exclusivity: When a release offers something unique, it is more likely to grab the attention of the journalist and the reader. Consider including some exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes content, for added digital engagement. 


Tapping into Current Industry Trends

One of the most crucial elements a journalist will consider when reviewing a release is its “newsworthiness.” This additional context, whether it involves riding a current wave of popularity or even controversy, improves the chance of a release being published.

For instance, a fiction film dealing with climate change themes can be linked to trends about the ongoing crisis. 

However, this doesn’t just hold true for the entertainment world. Nearly 40% of journalists have indicated that releases containing exclusive research, such as an industry-specific study or a new survey, are more likely to be considered for publication. 

Similarly, linking an event press release or premiere announcements to a buzzworthy topic will only add to its “newsworthiness.” The best places to identify entertainment trends are, of course, on social media, content platforms, and influencer blogs. 

Looking through recent entertainment and media press release examples may also give you an indication of how these trends can seamlessly be linked with your release. 


Engaging the Right Media Partners

Once you’ve crafted a release that is guaranteed to get media attention, you can move on to the next step, which is identifying and building mutually beneficial media partnerships. To do so, a media company must: 

  • Identify Key Players: Media companies focusing on political affairs are less likely to consider an entertainment release. Instead, the focus should be on identifying and appealing to entertainment journalists, bloggers, and media houses that align with your vision. 

  • Building Relationships: Once these journalists are identified, communications professionals should focus on cultivating long-term relationships. This ensures recurring coverage for future releases, as well as the opportunity to control the narrative.

  • Exclusive Drops: In order to cultivate this relationship, one of the best tools PR and communications professionals can leverage is exclusive content. Giving entertainment journalists first-access rights or promising celebrity interviews before an upcoming film to certain publications goes a long way in building media partnerships. 

At the end of the day, entertainment journalists and media companies should find themselves in a symbiotic relationship — where the publisher gains access to exclusive coverage, and you secure an outlet for every release to reach the general public.


Utilizing Digital and Social Platforms

The evolution of digital platforms has allowed for more flexibility in how a press release is written and presented. A well-crafted press release or an entertainment event could take advantage of several formats to boost digital engagement. 

This could include: 

  • Teasers on Social Media: A media company could generate pre-release buzz by teasing an upcoming event, film, or album on social media. These platforms are used by a staggering 59% of the world’s population.

  • Interactive Content: The advent of VR and AR tools has allowed companies to get more creative with their marketing. 

  • Celebrity Partnerships: Including a collaboration with a celebrity or influencer — either through a shoutout or an endorsement — is a surefire way for a campaign to grab more eyeballs. 


Post-Release Engagement

Once a release has been published and has reached its target audience, PR and communications professionals need to ensure that the conversation doesn’t just die down. 

Identifying trends is one thing, but ensuring you stay trending is another. 

Some ways to enhance the conversation around your event could be to host an online Q&A, a live premiere, or make the most of social media through an interactive session. 

Not only does this help keep the trend going, but it can also inform future campaigns. 

It is also essential to measure the efficiency of your campaign by keeping track of certain metrics related to social media engagement and the conversions that follow — Box Office sales, for instance. With Canada Newswire, each release distributed comes with a complimentary Visibility Report to help you stay on top of these metrics. 



The press release has come a long way since it was first used in the early 20th century. Even in the face of new promotional tactics, it has managed to stay relevant to the entertainment world — both for its affordability and the credibility it offers. Similarly, PR teams need to evolve with the times — embracing the benefits of entertainment press releases by staying updated, innovative, and proactive with their approach. 

As you begin on your journey to craft and refine your press release strategies, the Canada Newswire team urges you to make the most of digital platforms, build stronger media relationships, and stay on top of industry trends. For any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Canada Newswire team today!