OTTAWA, Feb. 11, 2014 /CNW/ - The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) was pleased the 2014 federal budget included new investment for research on dementia. This year's budget announcement for the creation of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging is a good first step toward developing a panCanadian seniors health care strategy.
"The CMA has called for additional investments in research for this disease. Dementia can be seen as the canary in the coal mine in terms of the challenges facing how we provide health care for aging population," said Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti, CMA President.
While the 2014 budget did not have a major health theme, the CMA was pleased that the federal government moved to increase the taxes on tobacco.
"We know that one of the biggest things people can do to improve their health is to not smoke, so any move that encourages people to quit - or better yet, never take up in the first place - this disastrous habit, then we applaud it," said Dr. Francescutti.
Also encouraging, Dr. Francescutti said, was $44.9 million set aside over five years to expand the focus of the National Anti-Drug Strategy from illicit drugs to also include prescription drug abuse. This is a step forward in dealing with an emerging addiction problem, he said.
The CMA was also glad to see $70 million earmarked over three years for a new, targeted and time-limited fund to boost health service delivery in the three territories in priority areas and to reduce use of medevac flights and expenses. Health in the North needs federal attention, Dr. Francescutti said.
The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is the national voice of Canadian physicians.
Founded in 1867, the CMA is a voluntary professional organization representing more than 80,000 of Canada's physicians and comprising 12 provincial and territorial medical associations and 60 national medical organizations. CMA's mission is to serve and unite the physicians of Canada and be the national advocate, in partnership with the people of Canada, for the highest standards of health and health care.
SOURCE: Canadian Medical Association
Dominique Jolicoeur, Communications Officer
Email: [email protected]. Tel: 613-731-8610 ext. 2038/ Cell: 613-809-5669
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