MONTRÉAL, Dec. 8, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - Taiba Djalal and Marcel Fragé were given conditional prison sentences of 12 months and 18 months respectively and were fined $15,000 and $19,632 respectively by a Court of Quebec judge in Gatineau. Ms. Djalal pleaded guilty to tax evasion charges on December 2nd, and Marcel Fragé pleaded guilty last August 31st. In addition to these fines, Ms. Djalal and Mr. Fragé must also repay the full amount of taxes owing, plus interest and any administrative penalties that apply.
At the time of the alleged offence, Ms. Djalal was vice-president and treasurer of the Société canadienne de développement durable en faveur des femmes dans les pays en voie de développement (SOCADE), while Mr. Fragé was its president. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) revoked SOCADE's charitable status in 2009.
The CRA investigation revealed that Marcel Fragé and Taiba Djalal, both former CRA employees, made false or deceptive statements by making up or overestimating charitable donations with receipts in the name of SOCADE in order to later claim tax credits they were not entitled to on their personal income tax returns. The investigation also showed that they signed each other's donation receipts. For the 2005 to 2008 tax years, Mr. Fragé claimed a total of $82,059 in false donations for which he received receipts from SOCADE. Ms. Djalal claimed a total of $68,024 for the 2005 to 2007 tax years for donations she never made, using false receipts issued by SOCADE.
All case-specific information above was obtained from the court records.
Canadian taxpayers must have confidence in the fairness of the tax system. To maintain that confidence, the Canada Revenue Agency is determined to hold tax evaders accountable for their actions.
If you have ever made a tax mistake or omission, the CRA is offering you a second chance to make things right through its Voluntary Disclosures Program (VDP). If you make a valid disclosure before you become aware that the CRA is taking action against you, you may only have to pay the taxes owing plus interest. More information on the VDP can be found on the CRA's website at
Additional information on convictions can be found on the Media page of the CRA Web site at
SOURCE Agence du revenu du Canada

Julie Pronovost, Regional Spokesperson, Telephone: 514-283-2226
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