Digital Governance Standards Institute releases draft Standards for Vote Tabulators and Electronic Poll Books for 60-day Public Review Français
OTTAWA, ON, April 12, 2023 /CNW/ - The Digital Governance Standards Institute and the Advisory Committee on Standards for Voting Technologies have released draft Standards for vote tabulators and electronic poll books for public review.
Development of the draft product Standards has been led by the newly established Technical Committee 14: Vote Tabulators and Electronic Poll Books. This committee is comprised of citizens/voters, accessibility and inclusion experts, government officials/regulators, electoral management body representatives, subject matter experts (including cybersecurity), academia and vendors/solution providers.
A significant step towards publishing the first ever Standards for election and voting technology in Canada, the public review period provides the public with the opportunity to comment. The standards cover technical design requirements for each of the hardware products and their associated software.
DGSI 119-1:20XX: Election and Voting Technologies – Part 1: Vote Tabulators (D3) and DGSI 119-2:20XX: Election and Voting Technologies – Part 2: Electronic Poll Books (D3) are now open for a 60-day public review period. You are invited to participate by providing your comments in the online commenting form by June 11, 2023 available at: 119-1 & 119-2. If you require an accommodation or assistance with making your comments, please reach out to us directly at [email protected]
Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chair of Elections Ontario Advisory Committee on Standards for Voting Technology:
"We look forward to receiving the public's input on the draft Standards for vote tabulators and electronic poll books. We're pleased to see the collaboration and interest to date and are confident that the feedback received through this process will help to develop standards that will continue to protect the integrity of Ontario's elections."
Darryl Kingston, Executive Director of the Digital Governance Standards Institute:
"If approved and adopted, these two draft Standards would represent a significant first step towards strengthening and protecting voter confidence in the use of election and voting technologies. Your input is valuable - we are asking for the public's input on these draft Standards and welcome discussions with all people who share an interest in building the trust of all Canadians in our democratic processes."
The Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario has established the Advisory Committee on Standards for Voting Technologies under Ontario's Election Act as amended by the Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021. The Advisory Committee will work in partnership with the CIO Strategy Council to develop standards for voting equipment and vote counting equipment used in Ontario's provincial elections. The committee is made up of individuals chosen by each political party in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and three other members appointed by the Chief Electoral Officer. The full list of committee membership is available here.
If you have any questions about the committee, please call 1.855.440.4041 or email [email protected].
Digital Governance Council
The Digital Governance Council works to provide Canadians with confidence in the responsible design, architecture and management of digital technologies through four streams of activity:
- Convening an executive forum for members to share best practices, identify digital governance gaps and prioritize collective action.
- Partnering to prove out new technologies and deliver proofs of concept and common building blocks to manage risks and opportunities associated with the use of digital technologies.
- Establishing the Council's Digital Governance Standards Institute, independent of the Council, to develop technology governance standards.
- Certifying organizations against digital governance standards.
Digital Governance Standards Institute
The Digital Governance Standards Institute develops digital technology governance standards fit for global use. The Institute works with experts, as well as national and global partners and the public to develop national standards that reduce risk to Canadians and Canadian organizations adopting and using innovative digital technologies in today's digital economy. The Institute is an independent division of the Digital Governance Council.
SOURCE Digital Governance Council

Media Requests: Julia Hancock, Digital Governance Standards Institute, [email protected]
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