MONTREAL, March 23, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - On February 14th, an armed gunman shot and killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida.
The March for Our Lives Montreal is part of an international movement to stand in solidarity with the young Americans. Montreal stands behind the March for Our Lives movement and its efforts to call on politicians to stand up to the NRA and enact stricter gun laws in the United States.
We support their efforts and we share their call for better gun control on this side of the border as well, so we can all live in safer communities. This week, the federal government tabled its long-awaited gun control bill (C-71), a first step in the right direction that required substantial reinforcing, for example to ban assault weapons (one of the main demands of the Parkland students) here in Canada as well.
The march will take place on Saturday, March 24th at 10 am. It will begin at Cabot Square. It will then proceed up St. Catherine and end at the United States Consulate on St. Alexander Street.
Preliminary scrum with the media: organizers and representatives of student communities, including those of l'École Polytechnique and Dawson College, will gather at 10h30 in the North-East corner of the square (wooden stage) to answer reporters' questions.
An initiative by Phil Lord (514-447-4704, [email protected])
SOURCE Québec Student Union

Association des étudiants et étudiantes de Polytechnique (Alex Latulippe Loiselle, 450-601-4580, [email protected]); Dawson student union (Anthony Williams, 514-297-4924); Polysesouvient (contact: Heidi Rathjen, 514-816-7818); Union étudiante du Québec (Press-attaché: Alexandre Ducharme, 514-497-2602)
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