EY gains insight into financial cooperative issues at International Summit of Cooperatives
MONTREAL, Oct. 6, 2014 /CNW/ - To meet the evolving needs of members and ensure long-term viability against a backdrop of constant change, cooperatives will have to put innovation front and center. That includes leveraging a winning member experience, using big data technologies and transforming business models, says EY, a proud participant in the 2nd International Summit of Cooperatives. EY will take part in lively discussions on the big issues facing cooperatives and mutuals today and tomorrow.
"Cooperatives are altogether different from other businesses. Their unique approach to business, driven by member needs, provides a competitive edge over traditional companies," explains Sylvain Vincent, EY's Québec Managing Partner. "But to stay true to their cooperative mission and compete in their markets, executives and directors need to find new ways to innovate."
Leaders from EY's global network will share their insights into how financial cooperatives can continue to innovate at the following breakfast conferences:
- October 7, Kaenan Hertz, PhD, Executive Director of EY's Financial Services Customer Experience Practice in New York City, will present cooperatives with strategies to better understand customer behaviour, not only today, but down the road.
- October 8, Drazen Nikolic, an EY Advisory Services partner based in Germany, will explain how the new reality of Big Data can help cooperatives transform their business models and gain a new competitive advantage.
- October 9, Paul Battista, EY's Canadian Advisory Services Leader, will outline the five forces transforming the retail financial services industry along with how cooperatives can best respond to those forces to more successfully compete and win within the new industry paradigm.
EY spokespeople will also be taking media questions at the following press conferences:
Winning through member experience, by Kaenan Hertz October 7, 8:30 a.m. 204AB Press Room, Québec City Convention Centre |
Big data, big opportunities, by Drazen Nikolic October 8, 9 a.m. 204AB Press Room, Québec City Convention Centre |
Transforming the retail financial services operating model, by Paul Battista October 9, 8:30 a.m. 204AB Press Room, Québec City Convention Centre |
To attend, members of the media are requested to obtain accreditation by completing the following online form: http://www.sommetinter.coop/cms/en_CA/home/medias/accreditation.html
The International Summit of Cooperatives will be held at the Québec City Convention Centre from 6 to 9 October 2014.
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EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
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EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

Julie Fournier, [email protected], 514 874 4308; Erika Bennett, [email protected], 416 943 5497; Sarah Shields, [email protected], 604 648 3607
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