Hampstead Resolution on Electoral Reform of the Procedure for Electing Members of the House of Commons Français
HAMPSTEAD, QC, Sept. 13, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ - Hampstead's Town Council adopted a resolution concerning electoral reform of the procedure for electing members of the House of Commons of Canada at its September 12, 2016, Council Meeting.
Town Council calls upon the Government of Canada to enact legislation to require that any change to the method of electing members of Parliament must:
- First, be endorsed in a Canada-wide referendum prior to becoming law, and;
- Second, should only come into effect starting with the second election following the adoption of the new method.
"Even though Canada's constitution is silent on the method of electing members of the House of Commons, any change to the procedure used since Confederation must require more than a simple majority vote by the current members," said Mayor William Steinberg. "Ratification by a national referendum is one safeguard and having the governing party re-elected under the old system is a second endorsement of any change. To do any less would be a violation of fundamental democracy and Canadians' sense of fair play," added Steinberg.
Here below is a copy of the resolution in its entirety:
WHEREAS Canada is a democracy;
WHEREAS Canada has been well-served by the "First Past the Post" system of electing members of Parliament since 1867;
WHEREAS changing the method of electing the members of Parliament is a fundamental change to our form of democracy and should require more than a simple majority vote by the party holding the majority of seats in the House of Commons;
WHEREAS the failure to require more than a simple majority vote by the party in power will lead to a new system that favours the party in power and that is undemocratic and goes against Canadians' sense of fair play;
WHEREAS the fact that there is no legal prohibition on changing the rules for electing members of Parliament does not mean that it is acceptable to do so with merely a simple majority vote;
WHEREAS the Town of Hampstead believes very strongly in democracy;
On motion of Mayor William Steinberg, seconded by Councillor Jack Edery, it was RESOLVED:
THAT the Town of Hampstead calls upon the Government of Canada to enact legislation to require that any change to the method of electing members of Parliament must be endorsed in a Canada wide referendum and that the new method will only come into effect starting with the second election following the adoption of the new method.
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to our MP, Anthony Housefather, the leaders of all Federal parties, the provincial Premiers and the Mayors of all municipalities on the island of Montreal.
SOURCE Town of Hampstead

Cynthia Lane, Communications Officer, T.: (514) 369-8238, C.: (514) 773-8238; [email protected]
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