Join the fight against fraud
OTTAWA, March 1, 2018 /CNW/ - Today marks the beginning of the 14th annual Fraud Prevention Month, an education and awareness campaign that aims to help you recognize, reject and report fraud.
Did you know that the fight against fraud starts with you? The old saying is true: knowledge is power. Avoiding fraud is all about knowing how to recognize the signs, reject the claims that seem too good to be true and reporting them to the authorities.
This year, the Competition Bureau launches the second edition of the Little Black Book of Scams, a handy guide that exposes 12 of the most prevalent scams in Canada. The book provides tips and advice to Canadian consumers and businesses and features our six fraud-fighting superheroes. Find out how they earned their stripes and learn how you can become a fraud fighter too.
Over the course of the month, the Bureau and its partners will be participating in a number of events and activities to raise awareness about new and ongoing scams. Stay connected to make sure you have the information you need to arm yourself in the fight against fraud.
Quick Facts
- Follow the Bureau and #FPM2018 on Twitter to read about and join in the conversation on fraud prevention.
- Find tons of information about fraud, including the latest facts on fraud, promotional materials, brand new videos and a calendar of activities on the Bureau's website.
- Test your fraud-fighting skills with our updated fraud quiz. Share it with your friends and family to help them reject fraud.
- Check the Better Business Bureau's Top 10 Scams and see how much fraud costs Canadians.
"Consumers and businesses play a crucial role in the fight against fraud. By recognizing scams and reporting them, they can protect themselves and assist the Bureau and its partners in stopping fraud."
Josephine Palumbo,
Deputy Commissioner of Competition, Deceptive Marketing Practices
"The RCMP's response to fraud is innovative and integrated. We work domestically with our municipal, provincial and federal partners, as well as internationally, to prevent, detect and deter financial crimes. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre – a partnership between the RCMP, Competition Bureau and Ontario Provincial Police – proactively identifies emerging scams, trends and threats operating in Canada. Together, we target criminals to disrupt their work and help track them down."
Joanne Crampton
Assistant Commissioner, Federal Policing Criminal Operations, RCMP
Related Information
- The Little Black Book of Scams, 2nd edition
- Calendar of Fraud Prevention Month activities across Canada
- Reporting fraud
Associated Links
- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
- List of Fraud Prevention Month Partners
- Competition Bureau on Facebook
- Competition Bureau on Twitter
- Competition Bureau on LinkedIn
Stay connected
The Competition Bureau, as an independent law enforcement agency, ensures that Canadian businesses and consumers prosper in a competitive and innovative marketplace.
SOURCE Competition Bureau

For media enquiries, please contact: Media Relations, Telephone: 819-994-5945, mail: [email protected]; For general enquiries, please contact: Information Centre, Competition Bureau, Telephone: 819-997-4282, Toll free: 1-800-348-5358, TTY (hearing impaired): 1-866-694-8389,
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