Math Results Stable in Grade 6 and Grade 9 Academic Course, But Show Small Decline in Grade 3 and Grade 9 Applied Course Français
Writing results at the elementary level decline by one point
Reading results improve in Grade 3 and remain stable in Grade 6
TORONTO, Aug. 30, 2017 /CNW/ - The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) has published the provincial-level results of the primary- and junior-division 2016-2017 Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics written by students in Grades 3 and 6, and of the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics.
For the second year in a row, 50% of Grade 6 students met the provincial standard in math. Among Grade 3 students, 62% met the provincial standard—a one-percentage-point decrease since last year.
Elementary school reading results for Grade 3 students have increased to 74%, an increase of two percentage points since last year, and reading results for Grade 6 students have remained at 81% for the second year in a row.
Achievement results in writing at the elementary school level have declined since last year by one percentage point for both Grades 3 and 6, and stand at 73% and 79% respectively.
Eighty-three percent of Grade 9 students enrolled in the academic course were successful on the assessment, a result that is identical to last year. Meanwhile, 44% of Grade 9 students enrolled in the applied math course were successful on the math assessment, marking a one-percentage-point decrease since last year, and continuing the trend over the last five years whereby less than half of students enrolled in the applied math course met the provincial standard.
Quick Facts
- In math at the elementary level, 62% (82 928) of Grade 3 students met the provincial standard, compared to the 67% who did on the 2013 assessment. Of Grade 6 students, 50% (64 686) met the provincial math standard, compared to the 57% who did on the 2013 assessment.
- Results from EQAO's student questionnaire show that a large number of students in Grades 3 and 6 (77%) are motivated to do their best when they undertake math activities in class. Despite this high motivation, only 56% of Grade 3 students and 53% of Grade 6 students believe they are good at math. It is encouraging that motivation remains high, as this can help facilitate future academic improvement.
- The majority of students who had not met the math standard in Grade 3, but who were able to meet it in Grade 6, carried that success forward into Grade 9.
- In math at the secondary level, 83% (80 350) of Grade 9 students enrolled in the academic math course met the provincial standard, compared to the 84% who did on the 2013 assessment. Of Grade 9 students enrolled in the applied math course, 44% (15 321) met the standard, the same percentage of students who did in 2013.
- In elementary-school reading, 74% (93 130) of Grade 3 students met the provincial standard, compared to the 68% who did in 2013. Of Grade 6 students, 81% (106 135) met the provincial reading standard for the second year in a row, compared to the 77% who did on the 2013 assessment.
- In elementary-school writing, 73% (92 372) of Grade 3 students met the provincial writing standard, compared to the 77% who did in 2013. Of Grade 6 students, 79% (103 450) met the provincial writing standard, up from 76% in 2013.
"Ontario's publicly funded education system continues to deliver positive results in reading among our students in Grades 3 and 6. While achievement levels in writing are still relatively high, it is worth noting the five-percentage-point decline among students in Grade 3 since 2014."
—Dave Cooke, Chair, EQAO
"It is important to understand why less than half of students in the Grade 9 applied math course are meeting the provincial standard. Our elementary-school students report that they are less confident in their math skills, but that they want to do well in math. Their motivation as learners is encouraging, as it can play a key role in their future success."
—Norah Marsh, Chief Executive Officer, EQAO
- Highlights of Provincial Results—Primary- and Junior-Division Provincial Assessments 2017
- Highlights of Provincial Results—Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics, 2017
- Infographic—2017 Primary- and Junior-Division Provincial Assessments
- Infographic—2017 Grade 9 Provincial Assessment
- About EQAO
Note to Editor
- Today's announcement offers only an overview of this year's provincial-level EQAO results. School- and board-level results will be available on September 20, 2017. A full report of provincial results will also be released on this date.
SOURCE Education Quality and Accountability Office

Rachel Pinnington, Senior Communications Officer, 416-314-4327, [email protected]
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