Notice of hearing of the application to approve the settlement agreement in the class actions against Les Frères du Sacré-Coeur Français
Court File Numbers: 450-06-000001-192 and 460-06-000002-165
MONTREAL, July 17, 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - A Settlement Agreement has been reached to fully and definitively settle the Class actions filed against The Brothers of Sacred Heart Congregation (Les Frères du Sacré-Coeur) for the benefit of the following individuals:
"All persons who were sexually abused in Quebec by a religious member of the Brothers of Sacred Heart in any training establishment, school, college, leisure establishment, activity center, camp, residence, parish, place of worship, or any other place in Quebec" and "All persons who were sexually abused by a religious member of the religious congregation of the Brothers of Sacred Heart while they were students, boarders or candidates for admission to Mont Sacré-Coeur de Granby (including the Collège Mont-Sacré-Cœur, the boarding schools and the juniorate) between 1932 and 2008"
Summary of the terms of the Settlement Agreement
A global amount of $60 million will be paid to settle the class actions and the members' claims.
Retired judges will act as arbitrators and will decide members' claims and their category of compensation. Defendants and their attorneys will have no right to challenge, review or intervene in the Claims process.
You can consult the Settlement Agreement, the Claims Process (Annex 1 therein), the Claim Form that each member must submit (Annex 2 therein), as well as the "Application to Approvethe Settlement Agreement and Class Counsel's Fees" by visiting the website of Class Counsel at:
Prior to the start of the Claims period, the Settlement Agreement must first be approved by the Superior Court. During the approval hearing, Class Counsel will also ask the Court to approve payment of their legal and extrajudicial fees incurred in advancing the class actions, payable out of the global settlement amount.
Hearing to Approve the Settlement Agreement and Class Counsel's Fees
The approval hearing will take place on August 26, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., before the Superior Court of Quebec via Microsoft Teams videoconference.
Members who have no objection to present need not attend the approval hearing in order to benefit from the settlement.
If a member wishes to object, the Superior Court will hear their objection on the condition that they send their intention to object, in writing, to Class Counsel no later than August 20, 2021 by 4:00 p.m., indicating the following:
a) The name, address, telephone number and email address of the individual who objects;
b) A statement that indicates that the person believes to be a member, and the reasons for such;
c) A brief statement of the nature and grounds of the objection;
d) If the member intends to appear at the approval hearing or if they intend to be represented by an attorney, the name, address, telephone number and email address of their attorney.
You can attend the approval hearing by clicking on the Microsoft Teams link of room 2 of the Sherbrooke Courthouse at the time indicated, or by using the following coordinates :
Join the meeting on your computer or on your mobile device
Click here to join the meeting
Join by way of a videoconference service
[email protected]
Videoconference ID: 112 004 759 1
Other instructions regarding video systems
Or dial the number (audio only)
+1 581-319-2194, 91430387# Canada, Quebec
(833) 450-1741, 91430387# Canada (Toll free)
Teleconference ID: 914 303 87#
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To obtain additional information:
Please contact Class Counsel below:
Me Robert Kugler, [email protected] / Me Pierre Boivin, [email protected]
Me Olivera Pajani, [email protected] / Me Jérémie Longpré, [email protected] / Me Mélissa Des Groseilliers [email protected]
Kugler Kandestin LLP
1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 1170, Montréal, Québec, H3B 2A7
Telephone : 514-878-2861 ext. 129 / Fax : 514-875-8424
SOURCE Kugler Kandestin

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