SAINT-LAURENT, QC, June 15, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - Three years after its launch of the organic waste (OW) collection in residential buildings with eight units or less, Saint-Laurent's Administration is pleased to note that 26% of the population concerned, on average, is taking part in this collection. These good results are due to such factors as residents' cooperation and to the use of GOBacs, an application created by the Borough's information technology team. Saint-Laurent is in fact the only borough relying on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology in implementing this collection.
"Thanks to the GOBacs application, we are better equipped to manage each step in implementing the organic waste collection. In this way, we can take targeted action within the scope of our awareness campaigns, by adapting our efforts according to the data obtained. Ultimately, we are achieving better results, in the interest of sustainable development and, therefore, in the interest of Saint-Laurent residents as a whole," stated Alan DeSousa, Mayor of Saint-Laurent.
State-of-the-art technology
Through the use of GOBacs innovative technology, detailed data on residents' participation in the OW collection can be obtained in real time. This data helps the Borough gradually adapt the application of its program. GOBacs has therefore made it possible to precisely and accurately measure the rate of participation in the OW collection, which averaged 26% over six months (October 2017 - March 2018), ranging from 23% to 31%, depending on the sector of Saint-Laurent. This rate compares favourably with the 17%-25% obtained by the three other Montréal boroughs analysed in the organic waste management report entitled Gestion des matières organiques, published by Ville de Montréal's Auditor General in February 2018.
With Saint-Laurent's GOBacs app, it is possible to manage OW bins, through an electronic chip system installed on these bins and based on RFID-type geomatics technology. In this way, GOBacs is making it possible to record the bins on Borough territory, monitor the collection of bins in real time, manage the inventory of the various volume types of bins and issue work orders as well as produce management reports and spatial analyses.
As it may be recalled, the sustainable management of organic waste contributes toward the fight against climate change: It helps cut down on the amount of waste sent to landfills (waste disposal sites), reduces greenhouse gas emissions and produces compost to enrich the soil. Saint-Laurent has in fact adopted specific guidelines related to sustainable development by publishing its Plan local des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 2016-2010 (Local greenhouse gas emissions plan for 2016-2010) in August 2013 as well as its Plan local de développement durable 2017-2020 (Local sustainable development plan for 2017-2020).
SOURCE Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent

Source: Marie-Noël Pichelin, chargée de communications, Direction d'arrondissement, Division des communications et des relations avec les citoyens, 514 855-6000, ext. 4313 - [email protected]; Information: Marc-Olivier Fritsch, chargé de communications, Media lines: 438 368-3318 or 514-825-6231, [email protected]
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