MONTREAL, May 29, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - The Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks is seeking the cooperation of citizens of the Outaouais and the Laurentians to report the presence of dead snakes and turtles along roadsides. This information will help identify key mortality areas and thus further protect at risk species, or species likely to be considered threatened or vulnerable.
One of the causes in the decline of these reptiles is road kill. For turtles, females are the ones mostly affected since they cross roads or use gravel shoulders to lay eggs in June. Some species also travel throughout the season between their summer and winter habitats. Snakes, however, are likely to be found near roads throughout the summer and autumn, since they take advantage of the heat stored by the asphalt to increase their body temperature. Because these reptiles move slowly, they are often unable to escape from high-speed travelling vehicles and are crushed to death.
In southwestern Quebec, there are six turtle species: painted, snapping, wood, geographic, speckled and musk; the last four species are considered at risk. This territory is also home to seven species of snakes, including red-bellied, garter, ring-necked, water, ribbon, milk and green snakes: the last five species are considered threatened or vulnerable,
Public cooperation is important to better protect these species. The Ministry would therefore ask citizens living in the Laurentians or the Outaouais to submit observations of dead snakes or turtles along roadsides between May and November to Daniel Toussaint, Biologist in charge of the Ministry program at [email protected] or by phone at 819 246-4827, extension 289. Please note that providing the name of the highway, address, closest intersection or GPS contact information are useful data to send.
For further information on the Ministry and to learn more about its activities and achievements, please visit and the following social networks:
Facebook: Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
Twitter: MFFP_Quebec
Source :
Jacques Nadeau
Coordonnateur médias
Direction des communications
Tél. : 418 627-8609, poste 3071
SOURCE Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs

Jacques Nadeau, Coordonnateur médias, Direction des communications, Tél. : 418 627-8609, poste 3071
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