TerreStar Solutions applauds Harper government's policy of protecting consumers and increasing competition in the wireless sector Français
MONTREAL, June 6, 2013 /CNW/ - TerreStar Solutions CEO, Andre Tremblay, supports the recent decision by Industry Minister Christian Paradis. "I applaud Prime Minister Harper and Industry Minister Christian Paradis for their steadfast support and common sense policy of wireless competition in Canada. This leadership means more wireless services for Canadians at lower prices and better jobs for Canadians across Canada".
TerreStar Solutions believes that though not always popular, it is the role of government to assess the level of competition in the wireless market and put in place policies to ensure robust competition for the ultimate benefit of Canadians.
The Harper government's statement made by Minister Paradis on June 4th affirms that proposed spectrum transfers that will result in undue spectrum concentration - and therefore diminish competition - will not be permitted.
Spectrum is the fuel that drives technological development, provides higher speed mobile services and allows lower prices for consumers. It just doesn't make any sense to let Bell, TELUS or Rogers aggregate this spectrum and quash all prospects of lowering prices and improving services for consumers.
"TerreStar Solutions, licensed to provide mobile services in Canada, is committed to use our spectrum to support competition, lower prices and deliver quality services in rural as well as urban regions of the country. This spectrum and that of the new competitors must be given a chance to offer real wireless competition in Canada," stated TerreStar Solutions CEO Andre Tremblay.
"This policy announcement by the Harper government including the Minister's commitment "to use any and every tool at my disposal to support greater competition in the marketplace" is a critical ingredient to attract new capital to the wireless market and ensure the emergence of a strong 4th competitor in every region of the country" concluded Tremblay.
TerreStar Solutions is licensed by Industry Canada to provide mobile satellite and cellular services to all Canadians, regardless of location. It will be using the Echostar T1 satellite in a Canadian satellite orbital slot and a terrestrial network to provide these services in 2014.
SOURCE: TerreStar Solutions

Media: Victoria Ollers, [email protected], 416-822-2288
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