HAMPSTEAD, QC, Sept. 12, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - The Town of Hampstead adopted the following resolution regarding the proposed Quebec Charter of Values at its Town Council Meeting held Monday, September 9, 2013.
Extract from the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Council of the Town of
Hampstead held on September 9th, 2013, at the Community Centre, 30 Lyncroft Road,
Hampstead, Quebec.
WHEREAS the Parti Quebecois has publicized the idea of a Quebec Charter of Values;
Whereas the Charter of Values includes provisions that would ban public service employees in Quebec from wearing identifiable religious symbols at work;
Whereas despite the fact that the details of the Charter have not yet been made public;
It was proposed by Councillor Jack Edery, seconded by Councillor Harvey Shaffer and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED:
- THAT we believe in the fundamental right of freedom of religion;
- THAT we believe that in a liberal democracy there is a very real place for the separation of church and state. The state has no role imposing religious beliefs on its citizens. The separation of church and state should not however be confused with the persecution of religion by the state. It is the basic right of every citizen to be free to believe as he will and practice his religion free of state intervention, so long as the practicing of his religion does not interfere with the basic rights of other citizens to freely enjoy their own civil rights;
- THAT we believe the wearing of a Kipah, Sikh turban, or Hijab, is not an impediment to carrying out ones duties as employees of the State. These symbols are not prejudicial to those with whom the wearer of a religious symbol interacts;
- THAT we reject the notion that people who believe in a deity are somehow lesser citizens. We reject the notion that wearing an identifiable religious symbol that does not physically impede a person from performing their duties, is a basis for discrimination;
- THAT the strength of a society is not evidenced by its ability to subjugate its minorities but by its ability to protect them.
SOURCE: Town of Hampstead

Cynthia Lane
Communications Officer
T.: 514-369- 8238
C.: 514-773-8238
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