Women's Equality Coalition praises Ontario Superior Court's confirmation of the constitutionality of the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Français
VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 18, 2023 /CNW/ - The Women's Equality Coalition, an intervener in Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform v. Attorney General has argued before the Ontario Superior Court that "… prostitution… is sexist, racist, classist and colonialist. It legitimizes male violence against women and other forms of inequality in the pursuit of economic profit" and we find that the Ontario Superior Court agrees with that statement. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not there to protect the right of men to buy sex or to have their sexual demands satisfied. The government can and should act to end this form of violence against women.
Fay Blaney, Aboriginal Women's Action Network (AWAN): "As Indigenous women, we're very happy to see that the court continues to view prostitution as a form of male violence against women. This victory ensures our ability to continue to fight for our murdered and disappeared sisters and to hold men accountable for their violent actions."
Trisha Baptie, EVE (formerly Exploited Voice now Educating): "The vulnerable and marginalized were finally seen and heard in this decision. Sex buyers, pimps, and traffickers, the root of the issue, were told that in fact they are predators who should be stopped."
Jennie-Laure Sully, La Concertation des Luttes Contre l'Exploitation Sexuelle (CLES): "The Ontario Superior Court's decision is cause for celebration as we think of all the women and girls who can benefit from a better understanding of the law, its reinforcement, and its application. The judge reiterated that the law aims to prevent entry into prostitution and protect the rights of women and girls. Canadian government must act now to make it a reality."
Hilla Kerner, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter: "We are encouraged by the ruling as we carry on our struggle for equality, safety, and liberty for all women."
SOURCE Women’s Equality Coalition

Media contact: Jennie-Laure Sully, [email protected], 438 933-6584; Hilla Kerner, [email protected], 604-872-8212
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